Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why Sortware As a Service Is Going to Dominate the Next Several Years Essay

Why Sortware As a Service Is Going to Dominate the Next Several Years - Essay Example This creates a process which is quick and efficient and allows for a two-way dissemination of information on a global basis. For businesses that have sales forces constantly updating contact information on their laptops, this is an essential point for the main office to know exactly at any given time, what the sale representatives are doing on a daily basis in regard to customers. Alternatively, a company can upload training videos and sales information to the representatives so they can stay updated with the latest outputs (Sensible Computer Help, 2008). The idea of sharing work began in the late 1990s when large businesses and corporations developed the idea of being able to communicate within a common net arrangement, allowing for documents to be accessed by those approved to open and change information within those documents. It also saved the company email system from being overloaded by employees emailing documents back and forth to different departments. Instead, documents cou ld be placed on the Intranet which was accessible only by onsite employees. Extended sales forces and contract labor had to dial in whenever updating or uploading information into the secure Intranet (Canlas & Gonzales, n.d.). This arrangement later developed into the Client Server Network, a far more efficient means of utilizing management principles within the workplace, such as allocating software programs and other functions to specific people. A diagram of one is shown below. Fig.1 (Sensible Computer Help, While the Client Server Network is an excellent solution for the workplace, such as being able to utilize a close-by printer, there are some problems with this arrangement. One, if someone turns off their computer, is when a shared file is no longer available to the other computers on that path. Additionally, there is an unreasonable lack of security for the network and the company’s data system (Sensible Com puter Help, 2008). In 2010, there began a new type of system which changed how business software was being used. Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School called it the â€Å"disruptive innovation.† The term refers to the advanced technology in delivery services of a product that, because of changes within technological access and subsequent pricing, alters the game face of how resources are used and the baseline revenue streams. Microsoft, Oracle and SAP were the first few major leaguers in this area and SAP is also the first company to offer services â€Å"in the cloud’ (Fornes, 2010). A diagram below shows the trend from initial small business usage, through redevelopment over time, to finally being able to target the enterprise solution requirements. Fig.2 (Fornes, 2010) As an example, Microsoft began offering Office 365 over a year ago and what the current subscription provides is the use of Microsoft cloud services with the option to also subscrib e and download Microsoft Office Professional or Standard software program to use so long as the cloud subscription is active. For a small business owner who does not have the financial resources to purchase full-blown software programs, this service is a great way to get the software at a very affordable price, plus utilize the cloud while working with clients through the cloud Lync system. This year, Microsoft celebrated its first year with the Office 365 service by providing a free edition of the 365 cloud service for educational purposes to all schools, colleges and universities (Nagel, 2012). Another company that has recently jumped onto the same bandwagon is Adobe, software provider of Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Fireworks,

Monday, October 28, 2019

The extracts from The Power and the Glory and The Pilgrims Progress Essay Example for Free

The extracts from The Power and the Glory and The Pilgrims Progress Essay Discuss the extracts from The Power and the Glory and The Pilgrims Progress The extract from The Power and the Glory is about the priests last night in prison before his execution. Greene writes about how the priest felt like he had accomplished nothing during his life and feels that through death he will still be a nobody. The extract from The Pilgrims Progress is about the end to Christians journey to heaven. When he gets to the gates Christian and his fellow pilgrim were surrounded by heavenly hosts and accepted into the Kingdom of God for eternity. Greene shows the dark and gloomy side to the life of a priest who has no self worth or any belief in his own spirituality. The priest believes in salvation by works, and he does not think he has done anything in the way of good works to earn his salvation. His dream of becoming a saint is not going to happen as he believes that eternal hell is being prepared for him, rather than eternal life in heaven. The priest is a Catholic priest and they believe that they have to earn their salvation, where as in The Pilgrims Progress Christian receives his salvation right at the begging of the book, at the cross. Then from that point he just has to hold onto it by making right choices and battling through everything the devil throws at him. This is a totally different way of seeing things, and also can have two very different results. Greene has written a very deep piece, there is so many religious thoughts and beliefs, so many feelings of grief, and loss, and total failure. He presents a broken man, who knows all to well his sins, I have been drunk I dont know how many times; there isnt a duty I havent neglected; I have been guilty of pride, lack of charity. He also remembers how people had died for him, and he feels guilty that God hadnt thought fit to send them a saint. The way in which Green has expressed the priest feelings is not just through his words, he does it by describing what is happening elsewhere, he sets the scene totally, and it always intensifies the feelings of the priest. He looked through the bars at the hot moony square. He could see police asleep in their hammocks There was an odd silence everywhere, even in the other cells; it was as if the whole world had tactfully turned away to avoid seeing him die. This extract from Graham Greenes The Power and the Glory is very much in context with the rest of the book, the negativity of the priest and his utter hopelessness follows him throughout the story and ends here with his death. The feeling of regret and of failure are two things that come up time and time again through out the book, and Greene continuously brings up many Catholic beliefs and torments. Hr brings to people attention the pressures that the Catholic people have on them to do as much good in their life as possible so as to earn themselves their salvation. Its all about good deeds, and duty. For the priest, all he wants is to be a saint, to be accepted into eternity by the saint already there. He wants to be someone that people could be proud of, to die for a worthy cause, and to know that his death was not the end. That people would not cringe at his name and comment about his drinking, but to recognise that he stayed when others run, he did not give in like Padre Jose, but stayed true to his people. He wants to be worthy of his death. Bunyan has written this ending in a positive way. Which a contrast to the ending in The Power and the Glory which is negative. Christian has finally reached the end of his story, the gates of the city of Heaven. Bunyan is very descriptive about who meets Christian at the gates, Trumpeters, clothed in white and shining Rayment Christian gives his certificate, which he received back at the beginning of his journey, to the people at the Gate. Christian and his fellow pilgrim both enter into the gates, and as they do they are transfigured, and they had Raiment put on that shone like Gold. Then they were given harps, and crowns and the bells of the City started to chime. Bunyan describes the City shone like the sun, the streets also were paved with Gold, and in them walked many men, with Crowns on their heads, Psalms in their hands, and golden Harps to sing praises with. This is the classic description of what heaven will look like. Bunyan also goes on in this extract to talk about Ignorance, who gets turned away from the Gate as he has no certificate with him because he did not start the path from the beginning and did not see the need to. This touches on such a huge reality, Bunyan has picked up on a matter that many people who think they are set for eternal life in heaven will in fact not be ushered in, but left outside. The language in Bunyan has changed a lot over the years since it was written, as he uses words and spellings that have changed and that are no longer used. Also he even uses two different spellings himself of the same word, Rayment and Raiment pronounced the same, but spelt differently, this shows how unstable the spelling was back when Bunyan wrote this book. Compassed is another word not used too often in the English language these days, we tend to say surrounded. Astwere is a spelling that is no longer used, it has no become, as it were, or as it was. Bunyan also uses odd Graphology, as he capitalises words that should not for any particular reason be capitalised, for exapmple, Brother, Gates, Bells. Dream These are words that I think he wanted to put emphasis on, these where things he wanted people to remember, although apart from that they seem rather random. This extract is in context with the rest of the book. Bunyans language and random capitalisation happens throughout the previous pages of the book as much as it does in the two that the extract is from. The way it has been written is the same as how the rest of the book has been written, the meanings the story line, it all leads up to this one all important ending. The final part of Christians story. This is the aim to which every Christian is longing to get, and Bunyan has written it in such a way that would encourage many more Christians to carry on along their walk with God and reach that final heavenly goal. Which is what I think Bunyan wanted to do with this book.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alice Munros Boys and Girls :: Boys and Girls, Alice Munro

Alice Munro's "Boys and Girls" Alice Munro's short story, "Boys and Girls," has a very interesting detail written into it. The narrator's brother is named Laird, which was carefully chosen by the author. Laird is a synonym for lord, which plays a important role in a story where a young girl has society's unwritten rules forced upon her. At the time of the story, society did not consider men and women equal. The name symbolized how the male child was superior in the parents' eyes and in general. Along with that, the name also symbolizes the difference between the sexes when this story took place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The time when this story took place was a time when men and women were not equal. Mothers had traditional roles, which usually left them in the house, while men also had their roles, outside of the house. The male was the dominant figure in the house, while the woman had to be subservient. It was an off thing to see my mother down at the barn. She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something - hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden. She looked out of place, with her bare lumpy legs, not touched by the sun, her apron still on and damp across the stomach from the supper dishes.1 The narrator had problems coming to terms with the role in life that she was expected to lead. She wanted to work outside with her father doing the work that she deemed important. The mother tried to get the narrator to work inside doing work deemed appropriate for a lady, however it was not something she enjoyed. "I hated the hot dark kitchen in the summer" (p. 530). The narrator was not considered of any consequential help to her father, simply because she was female. "Could of fooled me," said the salesman. "I thought it was only a girl" (p. 529). Even though the narrator could do more work than her younger brother, she was still under appreciated. "Wait till Laird gets a little bigger, then you'll have a real help" (p. 530). Laird, on the other hand, was able to go out and do the things that he enjoyed. When Flora, the family's horse, runs away Laird is invited to join the father and his assistant to re-capture the horse, while the narrator must stay at home. When the narrator is reminiscing of the past, she recalls a time when she lured Laird up to the top of the barn. The whole purpose of this idea was

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hamartia with Respect to Oedipus in the Play ”Oedipus Rex” Essay

Hamartia with respect to Oedipus in the play Oedipus Rex. The tragedy must not be a spectacle of a virtuous man brought from prosperity to adversity: for this moves neither pity nor fear; it merely shocks us; nor again, that of a bad man passing from adversity to prosperity†¦It must concern a man who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice or depravity, but by some error or frailty. (The Poetics) In Oedipus Rex, the character of Oedipus is a victim of hamartia, and his particular flaw is hubris. â€Å"Hamartia â€Å"is an Aristotelian term which often finds its usage in Greek tragedies. It is often referred to as a â€Å"tragic flaw â€Å"or â€Å"tragic error†. Aristotle in his work,†Poetics’’described Oedipus Rex a tragedy by Sophocles as a perfect example of the demonstration of the term â€Å"hamartia†. It is hamartia that creates a tragic hero. It is also said to mean missing the mark, or moral deficit or tragic error. Hamartia is what causes the tragic hero to do the opposite of what he intends to do. In case of Oedipus it is his flaw of character or ignorant error that can be said to have led to his downfall. It can be argued that it is not hamartia alone that led to Oedipus’ downfall, the elements of fate, and free will also are ones to be considered but the fact remains that it is the fatal flaw or fatal error or hasty judgement of the character or characters involved that triggers off a set of tragic sequences predestined or not which ultimately lead to a tragic end, and this remains relevant in case of Oedipus Rex. Hubris also seems to be the root cause for most of the actions undertaken by the characters in the drama including Oedipus’ biological parents. In the opening scenes of the play Oedipus comes across as the ideal King, insightful, concerned for his citizens and a man of action. Oedipus chief flaw or hamartia appears to be his â€Å"hubris† or pride. The whole point of tragedy is how faults can undo even good intentions and lead to downfall. Oedipus is considered a great man, the Chorus calls him â€Å"the first of men â€Å". Throughout the play we come across both the good and bad side of Oedipus. He is well intentioned but nonetheless there are hints of pride and narcissism, â€Å"I will bring everything into light’ ’and ironically in the process of doing so in a mentally blind fashion loses his sight physically in the end. In the  opening scenes of the play the audience does see traces of Oedipus’ â€Å"self-glorification, â€Å"I Oedipus whose name is known afar†. His confidence in his own flawlessness is what, paves the way for his downfall, his hubris lies in his innate sense of righteousness, and he thinks himself to be above reproach. Oedipus comes across as impulsive, hasty in judgement and quick to take offense during his heated exchange with Teiresias, his brother-in-law Creon and the old shepherd .It is of importance to note that the Greek title of the play was, Oedipus Tyrannos/ Oedipus the tyrant .It is of significance that the Chorus mentions that it is pride that ‘breeds the tyrant’, â€Å"from castled height pride tumbles to a pit†. They also say that he who walks in ‘his own high-handed way’ will not escape ‘doomed prides’ punishment’. His crimes of patricide and incest although done through ignorance and contrary to his nobility. It can be said that his cardinal sin, pride is what led to his slaying his biological father Laius in the first place, although he was provoked, his volcanic anger and pride is evident because he did not even spare the grooms all except the one who escaped with his life. And such a rash reaction cannot be justified. We come across his arrogance, rash temper and hastiness in judgement. He hurls insults at Teiresias and even accuses him of co-conspiring with Creon without any shred of proof .He goes as far as to taunt his blindness. Oedipus is over confident of his wisdom; he shuns the truth and prophecies of a tried and trusted wise man like Teiresias. Oedipus during his heated exchange with Creon appears as one willing to use his power in a tyrannical fashion, saying that he would rather have Creon dead than exiled. Oedipus exercises a severe lack of judgement his once renowned wisdom is clouded by his pride. The Chorus advises caution yet he takes none. He is quick to take offence. He is seemingly preoccupied with his own nobility and rigid in his quest for the truth. Oedipus ‘blindness to what is plain to the audience is what creates the image of a tragic hero described by Aristotle .Even if we excuse Oedipus ‘actions as those done in ignorance we yet cannot deny that he shuns all well intentioned advice from Teiresias, the Chorus, Jocasta and this is certainly because of his pride which is his case can be said to be his hamartia or that which leads him to his own downfall. Hubris in this play is not one that Oedipus’ alone displays. Pride can also be seen  in this drama in the perspective of the characters trying to evade the oracle which in ancient Greek times would be considered pride in itself because the Gods determined fate and to outwit the Gods wasn’t a wise thing to do in the eyes of the Greek audience. Beginning with Laius and Jocasta getting rid of Oedipus, and later on Oedipus who does not know that he is adopted leaves Corinth to keep from harming his parents. If Oedipus was noble enough to leave his adoptive parents for the sake of the oracle not being fulfilled then he would have been noble enough to keep from slaying Laius had he known that he was his father. The evasion is caused by hamartia however we may see it, as a fatal flaw or hasty judgement, in case of flaw chiefly hubris; pride in trying to avoid what was in store itself led the way for Oedipus ‘tragic end. The tragedy of Oedipus is his pride in his nobility and ability to a certain extent, had he not tried to avoid the divine oracle, he would have remained in Corinth and the oracle may never have been fulfilled .Had he not been prideful and rash in his actions, he would not have slayed Laius out of wounded pride. He is full of self –confidence that makes him blunder consistently. â€Å"I am a child of Fortune, the giver of good and I shall not be shamed †¦Born thus, I ask to be no other man than what I am, and will know who I am.This is an example one of the many fatal flaws of Oedipus. Hence hamartia is a literary tool used to fully measure the consequences of ones actions. Hamartia is what highlights the downfall of a hero and what makes a tragedy a tragedy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Paraphrase Sample

Unit II Assessment Question 2 Ramesh Punna Columbia Southern University Original Passage Large-Scale Complex IT Systems (Ian Sommerville, Dave Cliff, Radu Calinescu,Justin Keen, Tim Kelly , Marta Kwiatkowska,John McDermid, and Richard Paige): Complexity stems from the number and type of relationships between the system’s components and between the system and its environment. If a relatively small number of relationships exist between system components and they change relatively slowly over time, then engineers can develop deterministic models of the system and make predictions concerning its properties.However, when the elements in a system involve many dynamic relationships, complexity is inevitable. Complex systems are nondeterministic, and system characteristics cannot be predicted by analyzing the systems constituents. Such characteristics emerge when the whole system is put to use and changes over time, depending how it is used and on the state of its external environment . Dynamic relationships include those between system elements and the system’s environment that change.For example, a trust relationship is a dynamic relationship; initially, component A might not trust component B, so, following some interchange, A checks that B has performed as expected. Over time, these checks may be reduced in scope as A’s trust in B increases. However, some failure in B may profoundly influence that trust, and, after the failure, even more stringent checks might be introduced. Complexity stemming from the dynamic relationships between elements in a system depends on the existence and nature of these relationships.Engineers cannot analyze this inherent complexity during system development, as it depends on the systems dynamic operating environment. Coalitions of systems in which elements are large software systems are always inherently complex. The relationships between the elements of the coalition change because they are not independent of how th e systems are used or of the nature of their operating environments. Consequently, the nonfunctional (often even the functional) behavior of coalitions of systems is emergent and impossible to predict completely.Paraphrase for above passage: Minimizing the relationships among the entities in large scale system reduces the complexity. Complex systems are not very scalable and would be huge effort when we need to do any changes over time. Relationships should be changing depending on their performances over the life cycle of application to be more robust and granular. Dependency between the software systems must be identified in design phase to make a large scale system and failure to do this process would result in unstable and fragile software system.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Greasy Lake

Bad to the Bone During a time when it was hip to be bad, three teenagers thought they were the epitome of the word. In T. Coraghessan Boyle’s short story, â€Å"Greasy Lake,† the three young men seek adventure at a local hangout. After playing a practical joke on one of their friends at Greasy Lake, the three teens quickly realize that they are in for more adventure than they had bargained for. By the end of the night, the narrator of the story matures significantly after he and his friends, Digby and Jeff, run into some people more â€Å"bad† than themselves. The bars and clubs are closing and they had cruised the strip 67 times. There is nothing left for the three boys to do but head up to Greasy Lake. Upon arriving at the lake, Digby recognizes a mint ’57 Chevy as his friend Tony Lovett’s car. After beating on the horn and strobing their lights at the Chevy, they exit their vehicle in hopes of catching a glimpse of their friend engaging in some kind of sexual act. As they near the Chevy, a very bad character with greasy jeans steps out of the car. The narrator receives a swift kick in the jaw that knocks him to the ground. To his defense Digby delivers â€Å"a savage kung fu blow to the greasy character’s collar bone† (114). Unimpressed by the blow, the greasy man knocks Digby to the ground with a swift roundhouse. Meanwhile, Jeff jumps on the man’s back and bites his ear while the narrator grabs the tire iron from beneath the driver’s seat. He had kept the tire iron under his seat bec ause â€Å"bad characters always keep tire irons under the driver’s seat† (114). The narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy character and it strikes him across his ear. The man collapses from the blow. The instant before the narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy man, he had already begun to imagine the conversation between himself and the detective working the murder case. After he strikes the man, he begins... Free Essays on Greasy Lake Free Essays on Greasy Lake Bad to the Bone During a time when it was hip to be bad, three teenagers thought they were the epitome of the word. In T. Coraghessan Boyle’s short story, â€Å"Greasy Lake,† the three young men seek adventure at a local hangout. After playing a practical joke on one of their friends at Greasy Lake, the three teens quickly realize that they are in for more adventure than they had bargained for. By the end of the night, the narrator of the story matures significantly after he and his friends, Digby and Jeff, run into some people more â€Å"bad† than themselves. The bars and clubs are closing and they had cruised the strip 67 times. There is nothing left for the three boys to do but head up to Greasy Lake. Upon arriving at the lake, Digby recognizes a mint ’57 Chevy as his friend Tony Lovett’s car. After beating on the horn and strobing their lights at the Chevy, they exit their vehicle in hopes of catching a glimpse of their friend engaging in some kind of sexual act. As they near the Chevy, a very bad character with greasy jeans steps out of the car. The narrator receives a swift kick in the jaw that knocks him to the ground. To his defense Digby delivers â€Å"a savage kung fu blow to the greasy character’s collar bone† (114). Unimpressed by the blow, the greasy man knocks Digby to the ground with a swift roundhouse. Meanwhile, Jeff jumps on the man’s back and bites his ear while the narrator grabs the tire iron from beneath the driver’s seat. He had kept the tire iron under his seat bec ause â€Å"bad characters always keep tire irons under the driver’s seat† (114). The narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy character and it strikes him across his ear. The man collapses from the blow. The instant before the narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy man, he had already begun to imagine the conversation between himself and the detective working the murder case. After he strikes the man, he begins...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya essays

Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya essays In the book, Bless Me Ultima (New York Warner Books, 1994), Rudolfo A. Anaya tells the story of Antonio Marez. The story takes place in Spanish America on the border between fertile farming lands and the open plains. Antonio is six years old when Ultima, an elderly healer comes to live with his family. At the time of her arrival, Antonio is making a transition from a boy to a young adult. His parents, Gabriel and Marà ­a, disagree about the proper life and education for Antonio. Marà ­a is a devout Catholic and wants Antonio to follow her traditions and become a priest. Gabriel wants Antonio to follow his traditions of restless wandering across the plains and live the life of a cowboy. Before Ultima arrives, Antonio dreams of her role in his birth. The two sides of his family argue over the right to dispose of the afterbirth according to their family traditions. Ultima declares that she shall bury it herself. Therefore she alone will know Antonio's future. Antonio's parents are pressuring him to choose between their radically different family traditions. Antonio's dream about his birth reveals the nervousness this pressure causes him. Antonio also makes a great effort to make sense of the competing moral structures of each religion he encounters through his Pagan friends, Samuel and Cico and his Catholic mother. His atheist friend, Florence, increases Antonio's confusion in his quest to understand his world. He attempts to understand the nature of good and evil through different cultures only to find that there is no easy answer. In addition to larger conflicts, Antonio faces the clash between Anglo and Hispanic cultures when he begins attending school along with other problems. Antonio faces pressure to exclude Florence because he is an atheist and undergoes teasing because some people view Ultima as a Bruja or a witch. Antonio witnesses three separate deaths in the novel including his good friend Florence. Each death forces Anton...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Anti-Vaxxers

Everything You Need to Know About Anti-Vaxxers Per the CDC, during January 2015, there were 102 reported cases of measles across 14 states; most linked to an outbreak at Disney Land in Anaheim, California. In 2014, a record 644 cases were reported across 27 states- the highest number since measles was considered eliminated in 2000. The majority of these cases were reported among unvaccinated individuals, with more than half  located in an Amish community in Ohio. According to the  CDC, this resulted in a dramatic 340 percent increase in measles cases between 2013 and 2014. Despite the fact that ample scientific research has disproven the falsely asserted connection between Autism and vaccinations, increasing numbers of parents are choosing to not vaccinate their children for a number of preventable and potentially fatal diseases, including measles, polio, meningitis, and whooping cough. So, who are the anti-vaxxers? And, what motivates their behavior? Pew Research Center found in a recent study of the difference between scientists and the publics views on key issues that just 68 percent of U.S. adults believe that childhood vaccinations should be required by law. Digging deeper into this data, Pew released another report in 2015 that sheds more light on views on vaccinations. Given all the media attention to the purported wealthy nature of anti-vaxxers, what they found might surprise you. Their survey revealed that the only key variable that significantly shapes whether one believes vaccinations should be required or be the decision of parents is age. Young adults are much more likely to believe that parents should have the right to choose, with 41 percent of those 18-29 years old claiming this, compared with 30 percent of the overall adult population.  They found no significant effect of class,  race, gender, education, or parental status. However, Pews findings are limited to views on vaccines. When we examine practices- who is vaccinating their children versus who is not- very clear economic, educational, and cultural trends emerge. Anti-Vaxxers Are Predominantly Wealthy and White Several studies have found that recent outbreaks among unvaccinated populations have been clustered among upper and middle-income populations. A study published in 2010 in  Pediatrics  that examined a 2008 measles outbreak in San Diego, CA found that  reluctance to vaccinate ... was associated with health beliefs, particularly among well-educated, upper- and middle-income segments of the population, similar to those seen in measles outbreak patterns elsewhere in 2008 [emphasis added]. An older study, published in Pediatrics  in 2004, found similar trends, but in addition, tracked race. The researchers found,  Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, [and] to live in a household with an annual income exceeding 75,000 dollars. Writing in  Los Angeles Times, Dr. Nina Shapiro,  Director of Pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat at the Mattel Childrens Hospital UCLA, used data from Los Angeles to reiterate this socio-economic trend. She noted that in Malibu, one of the citys wealthier areas, one elementary school reported that just 58 percent of kindergartners were vaccinated, as compared to 90 percent of all kindergartners across the state. Similar rates were found at other schools in wealthy areas, and some private schools had just 20 percent of kindergartners vaccinated.  Other unvaccinated clusters have been identified in wealthy enclaves including Ashland, OR and Boulder, CO. Anti-Vaxxers Trust in Social Networks, Not Medical Professionals So, why is this predominantly wealthy, white minority choosing to not vaccinate their children, thereby putting at risk those who are under-vaccinated due to economic inequality and legitimate health risks? A 2011 study published in  Archives of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine  found that parents who chose to not vaccinate did not believe vaccines to be safe and effective, did not believe their children at risk of the disease in question, and had little trust in the government and medical establishment on this issue. The 2004 study cited above found similar results. Importantly, a 2005 study found that social networks exerted the strongest influence in the decision to not vaccinate. Having anti-vaxxers in ones social network makes a parent significantly less likely to vaccinate their children. This means that as much as non-vaccination is an economic and racial trend, it is also a cultural  trend, reinforced through the shared values, beliefs, norms, and expectations common to ones social network. Sociologically speaking, this collection of evidence points to a very particular habitus, as elaborated by late French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. This term refers, in essence, to ones disposition, values, and beliefs, which act as forces that shape ones behavior. It is the totality of ones experience in the world, and ones access to material and cultural resources, that determines ones habitus, and so cultural capital plays a significant role in shaping it. The Costs of Race and Class Privilege These studies reveal that anti-vaxxers have very particular forms of cultural capital, as they are mostly highly educated, with mid- to upper-level incomes. It is quite possible that for anti-vaxxers, a confluence of educational, economic, and racial privilege  produces the belief that one knows better than the scientific and medical communities at large, and a blindness to the negative implications that ones actions may have on others. Unfortunately, the costs to society and to those without economic security are potentially quite great. Per the studies cited above, those opting out of vaccines for their children put at risk those who are unvaccinated due to limited access to material resources and health care- a population composed primarily of children living in poverty, many of whom are racial minorities. This means that wealthy, white, highly educated anti-vaccination parents are mostly putting at risk the health of poor, unvaccinated children. Viewed this way, the anti-vaxxer issue looks a lot like arrogant privilege running rogue over the structurally oppressed. In the wake of the 2015 California measles outbreak, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement urging vaccination and reminding parents of the very serious and potentially fatal outcomes of contracting preventable diseases like measles. Readers interested in learning more about the social and cultural trends behind anti-vaccination should look to  The Panic Virus  by Seth Mnookin.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Legal, security, or privacy issues within electronic commerce Assignment - 1

Legal, security, or privacy issues within electronic commerce - Assignment Example It could lead to an electronic traffic due to the high volume of emails generated. This could affect internet speeds in that they could reduce. The outcome is that business transactions could experience delays, affecting the global economy. The other effect is the increase in the cost of online business as the incorporation of Information technology experts to mitigate the virus risk could be expensive. An organization could identify the virus through the installation of an up-to-date antivirus software. In case of emails from unknown sources, individuals within an organization should never open it, unless they have prior knowledge of such an e-mail. The organization could respond to the virus e-mails in several ways. It needs to delete any suspicious emails, especially of the source of the mail is unknown. Another response is seeking advice from a company that deals with internet security. In case of infected machines, an organization could seek the help of professional technicians for a cleanup of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Helping Parents Apply First Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Helping Parents Apply First Aid - Essay Example occurs when an object is lodged in the windpipe thus a child is not able to breathe. The child may also have a blocked windpipe from having an allergic reaction to food. Young children often swallow various objects and because chocking leads to an insufficient amount of air into the brain, and first aid needs to be administered quickly (Nelson, 2002). A list of items that should be present includes: †¢ Hand sanitizer so that one can be able to clean their hands when water or soap is not available. †¢ Triple-Antibiotic ointment so that there can be the prevention of infection. †¢ Thermometer. †¢ Acetaminophen for the pain or fever. †¢ Oral antihistamine for allergic reactions. †¢ Instant cold press in order to control the swelling. †¢ Calamine lotion to help with the bites or stings. Procedure: 1. Assessing the situation: when a child is unable to breathe, cry or laugh, then there is something that is defiantly wrong with the child. 2. If the child is coughing, it means that the child’s windpipe is only partially blocked. When that is the case, the child should be led to continue coughing. This is the most effective method of unblocking the windpipe and in particular to anyone who is not fully blocked (Nelson, 2002). 3. Ask another individual to call the emergency number such as 911 while giving the child back blows and chest thrusts.

Would you agree with the proposition that the physical geography was Article

Would you agree with the proposition that the physical geography was the main factor in the emergence and expansion of the early large political systems of West Africa - Article Example These are the regions shared by these vast kingdoms that inhabited these areas since the ancient times. This paper seeks to establish the authenticity of the idea that physical geography was the main factor for the emergence and expansion of the political systems in this region. The values of land in relation to the economic activities of the people that live in this place are the key factors that would influence the geographical stay. The entire region share a collection of ancient and modern ways of life and the historical divisions of the periods of development from prehistory to the post independent era dictates all the activities that have been going on in the region. In the 16th century, kingdoms started building themselves up on the coast of West Africa. Ghana was to the far west, a kingdom that was ruled entirely by kings and was therefore stable. The economy of these people, which highly contributed to the specific regions they settled, was made up of iron, gold mining and agriculture. These were traded with the Berber communities from the northern part of the Sahara. To the east of Ghana kingdom, the Mande people had the Mali kingdom practicing trade. The Mali people were typically traders and this was influenced by their position along the trade routes. They occupied land between the forests and the desert. This allowed them to control trade in the Sahara region. The trade was in golden items from neighboring regions of the Ghana and therefore creating a leeway for the actual development of the slave trade. The Ghana Empire lived in a gold rich region and the king was so proud that he called himself the richest man he had ever seen. This means that he would not move his kingdom to another place or be driven away by an enemy power because of this pride and happiness of living in a gold region. Large dynasties like the Songhai were more powerful but there was more

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Ethics Assignment - Essay Example The amount of fast food advertising the children are exposed to everyday affects their diet to a great extent. This issue is very pressing as recently the world has witnessed the effects of fast food consumption on their health. In order to calculate the effects of fast-food on the health of people, 3301 black and white adults were interviewed. They were asked to give information about their diets, physical bodily activity and other life style factors. The results showed that those who had fast-food more than twice a week were more likely to gain an extra 10 pounds and has two times greater increase in insulin resistance. (Garner, 2005) The amount of youngsters in the United States who are obese, have type 2 diabetes, and are at the risk of obesity is pressing. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Overweight and obese adults suffer from type 2 diabetes and this is usually linked to other illnesses such as heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. (Diabetes in children increasing with fast food lifestyle, 2002) A new study by University of California Los Angeles researchers found that advanced heart failure patients with diabetes who are treated with insulin have a death rate four times higher than when treated with oral medications. (Gardner, 2005) In 1960's the number of obese children was approximately 5 percent and in 2002 it increased to 16 percent. This means that the number has tripled in the past forty years. The statistics show how serious a matter this is and why this should be a nationwide concern. 9 million children from the United States are obese and what is worse is that another 15 percent of the children are at risk. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Another very shocking statistic is $100 billion is spent on health-care costs every year. (Gardner, 2005) According to Schlosser, among toddlers in the United States, 21 percent which makes up roughly one-fifth of all the American toddlers, are eating French-fries every day. (Tablac, 2003) The present diet of the children is extremely high in calories, fat, and sugar and is not healthy at the same time. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Fast food is often called unsafe food because of richness in salt and sugar. (Thimphu, 2007) The effects of this unhealthy diet also include diseases later in life including heart failures, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. It is now the responsibility of parents, health officials, governments and businesses to realize the magnitude of this problem. They should do something about it so that the children will have a safe healthy future. The diet of these children should change. They should have more intakes of vitamins, fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products. (McGinnis et al., 2006) According to Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number one health problem in the United States is not SARS. It is obesity that is becoming the number one health problem. (Ruskin, 2003) The Role of MarketingNow the question is how does this work How is marketing of fast food so persuasive that it changes the way people eat. These people include the growing population of both the developed and the developing countries. The marketing of fast food includes its four P's: Price, Promotion, Product, and Placement. Mediums like magazines, television,

Medium is the Message Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medium is the Message - Essay Example Electric speed has made known in the desert, savannah and bushes the lines of force operating from Western technology. Electric speeds cause prehistoric cultures to intermingle the dregs of the non-literate, the industrial marketeers with the cultures of the semiliterate and post-literate (McLuhan 20). This uprooting and outpouring with new information accompanied with endless new patterns of information results in mental breakdown of varying degrees. An increasing awareness in the effects of technology on the formation and manifestation of psychic has resulted in persons to lose of confidence in the right to assign guilt. According to ancient prehistoric societies, crime was solely pathetic. In our IQ testing, a great flood of misbegotten standards has been produced (McLuhan 19). This results in our individual testers assume that intelligence is displayed by uniform continuous habits. The typographic cultural bias eliminates the tactile and ear man. Typographic spell is a transforming power of media which causes progressive efficiency and simplification in any technology. This effect challenges the response of senses, but this is constantly ignored. Arnold Toynbee, for instance, imagines that it is the response of the opinions that is pertinent to the effects of media and technology in the society (McLuhan 27). The medium has, therefore, taken dominance, and is not only the bearer of the message, but the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Ethics Assignment - Essay Example The amount of fast food advertising the children are exposed to everyday affects their diet to a great extent. This issue is very pressing as recently the world has witnessed the effects of fast food consumption on their health. In order to calculate the effects of fast-food on the health of people, 3301 black and white adults were interviewed. They were asked to give information about their diets, physical bodily activity and other life style factors. The results showed that those who had fast-food more than twice a week were more likely to gain an extra 10 pounds and has two times greater increase in insulin resistance. (Garner, 2005) The amount of youngsters in the United States who are obese, have type 2 diabetes, and are at the risk of obesity is pressing. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Overweight and obese adults suffer from type 2 diabetes and this is usually linked to other illnesses such as heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. (Diabetes in children increasing with fast food lifestyle, 2002) A new study by University of California Los Angeles researchers found that advanced heart failure patients with diabetes who are treated with insulin have a death rate four times higher than when treated with oral medications. (Gardner, 2005) In 1960's the number of obese children was approximately 5 percent and in 2002 it increased to 16 percent. This means that the number has tripled in the past forty years. The statistics show how serious a matter this is and why this should be a nationwide concern. 9 million children from the United States are obese and what is worse is that another 15 percent of the children are at risk. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Another very shocking statistic is $100 billion is spent on health-care costs every year. (Gardner, 2005) According to Schlosser, among toddlers in the United States, 21 percent which makes up roughly one-fifth of all the American toddlers, are eating French-fries every day. (Tablac, 2003) The present diet of the children is extremely high in calories, fat, and sugar and is not healthy at the same time. (McGinnis et al., 2006) Fast food is often called unsafe food because of richness in salt and sugar. (Thimphu, 2007) The effects of this unhealthy diet also include diseases later in life including heart failures, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. It is now the responsibility of parents, health officials, governments and businesses to realize the magnitude of this problem. They should do something about it so that the children will have a safe healthy future. The diet of these children should change. They should have more intakes of vitamins, fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products. (McGinnis et al., 2006) According to Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number one health problem in the United States is not SARS. It is obesity that is becoming the number one health problem. (Ruskin, 2003) The Role of MarketingNow the question is how does this work How is marketing of fast food so persuasive that it changes the way people eat. These people include the growing population of both the developed and the developing countries. The marketing of fast food includes its four P's: Price, Promotion, Product, and Placement. Mediums like magazines, television,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Surrealism in fashion design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Surrealism in fashion design - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism in fashion design" focuses on the connection between fashion design and surrealism. Fashion design is highly commercialized to the extent that many innovative approaches have been tried to finally come up with the right and ‘in’ thing. The ever changing trends in fashion design just proves the fact that everyone is constantly searching for style and that everyone cannot just stand on a single taste about a certain product. Therefore, there is an urgency to innovate or even make use of what is already at hand to come up with a synchrony on the product’s choice and consumers’ taste, style, needs and wants. Back to the amount of effort one has to place on the ever changing trend of fashion design, there is a need to find out the level at which the look and content of fashion design is very significant in the conceptualization of a certain product in line with fashion. This will ensure that the right concept of a certain product will be es tablished so as to align with majority of customers’ choice. Little connection was there between art and fashion design before. Not until the emergence of surrealism works by Salvador Dali, Elsa Schiaparelli and John Galliano which are integrated nowadays with fashion design. Surrealism has come into existence and bringing the name with it as an art form. Today, surrealism designs are integrated in fashion design and the harmony that this brings is remarkable that until now, acceptance in the market is of high significance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Key Objectives of an Organization Essay Example for Free

Key Objectives of an Organization Essay Task 1A. Identify the mission, values and key objectives of an organization of your choice and assess the influence of stakeholders The Body Shop is a public limited company they mainly specialize in beauty products, however they are very much different compared to regular make up brands such as DIOR, SHU UMERA and so on, they are different in a way that they use natural products and they are against animal cruelty. They use plants resources wisely. The body shop is different because of their values. Ms Dame Anita roddick, was a human rights activist and the founder of the body shop. AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING Every one of the body shops products is animal cruelty free and vegetarian. they were the first international cosmetics brand to be recognized under the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. FOR TRADING FAIRLY They believe in fair trade to such an extent, that over 20 years ago we set up our own fair trade programme, called Community Trade. Body Shop believe this level of commitment to trading fairly is unique in the cosmetics industry. Community Trade now works with over 30 suppliers in more than 20 countries, providing over 25,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. Most of our products contain Community Trade ingredients. OUR FIVE CORE VALUES The Body Shop is a leader in promoting greater corporate transparency, and we have been a force for positive social and environmental change through our campaigns around our five core Values: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, Protect Our Planet. OUR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION We also have our own charity, The Body Shop Foundation. Launched in 1990 (registered charity no. 802757) we give financial support to pioneering, frontline organisations that otherwise have little hope of conventional funding. The Foundations focus is to assist those working to achieve progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. Let us move on to the various stakeholders in the organization. Primary Stakeholders Usually internal stakeholders like stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees. Secondary Stakeholders Usually external stakeholders like general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups, and the media. The influence of various stakeholders on the organization establishes a balance of priorities on the organization. Some examples of balances that various stakeholders bring to the organization are: Stockholders: The stockholders of the organization ensure that the organization is constantly looking for new means to improve operating net profits. The stockholders of the companies keep a keen eye on the performance of the organization through the quarterly reports of the organizations submitted to respective regulatory bodies in the world. This ensures that the organization keeps a fine balance between working for short-term profits while keeping a firm eye on the long-term business possibilities that may emerge. Positive performance by a company over a long  period of time is rewarded through improved prices. Customers: The most important to any business, customers of an organization keep the organization on their toes to offer best of services in comparison with the market. The organizations strive hard to meet the ever-growing customer expectations in terms of improved products and services and reduced cost for these improved services year on year. Improved performance of the organization to meet customer demands is rewarded through more business orders. Employees: The employees of the organization are the assets of the organization that keeps the organization nimble and agile to meet the customer expectations resulting in profits that meet the stockholders expectations. The employees are rewarded through promotions and merit increments based on their contributions to meet the organizations goals, vision and objectives. Task 2 Evaluate the extent to which the organization achieves the objectives of three stakeholders. As mentioned above there are two different types of stakeholders, there is primary and there is secondary. Primary stakeholders include Internal stakeholders like stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees. Secondary includes External stakeholders like general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups, and the media. Beginning with the internal stakeholders also known as primary stakeholders, the employees obviously work towards the goals and objectives that are set,  however in the body shop they are in for it in a different way as the people are passionate. They’re a customer-focused business that strives to create a fantastic experience for everyone who shops and works at The Body Shop. Aside from employees and customers they are also dedicated to their suppliers and creditors as well as stockholders. The body shop is dedicated to the planet and the people in simple words. The body shop is financial stable meeting their financial objectives as well as meeting the stock holders objectives which is keeping on-going improvements and new objectives which is what the body shop is already doing. Achievement of Customer Objectives: The organization is always talking about the natural way of beauty. In addition, the company also shares very positive information of the number of accounts where they have grown the relationships to multimillion dollar revenue generating business accounts through good performance in existing contracts and offering greater value to the customer though their foresight and operations management. This has resulted in good customer retention and repeats businesses for the company across various lines of businesses. Achievement of Employees objectives: Body shop has a large workforce employs over 100,000 employees across the globe and has become an employer of choice. This has provided many opportunities to the employees to grow professionally and vertically as well. Additionally, the body shop provides merit increments every year based on the performance of the employees, which keeps them engaged in their roles and glued on to the target objectives. Task 3. Explain the responsibilities of the organization and strategies employed to meet them. The body shop not only has responsibilities that they must keep to the company and their customers but also the environment, which is why they do the natural way. Nature is the key objective and responsibility to the Body Shop. Their responsibilities towards the environment can be seen on their website, the body shop focuses on cruelty free make up. More  responsibilities and strategies are shown below AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING Every one of the body shops products is animal cruelty free and vegetarian. they were the first international cosmetics brand to be recognized under the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. FOR TRADING FAIRLY They believe in fair trade to such an extent, that over 20 years ago we set up our own fair trade programme, called Community Trade. Body Shop believe this level of commitment to trading fairly is unique in the cosmetics industry. Community Trade now works with over 30 suppliers in more than 20 countries, providing over 25,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. Most of our products contain Community Trade ingredients. OUR FIVE CORE VALUES The Body Shop is a leader in promoting greater corporate transparency, and we have been a force for positive social and environmental change through our campaigns around our five core Values: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, Protect Our Planet. OUR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION We also have our own charity, The Body Shop Foundation. Launched in 1990 (registered charity no. 802757) we give financial support to pioneering, frontline organisations that otherwise have little hope of conventional funding. The Foundations focus is to assist those working to achieve  progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. These are their values as well as responsibilities. The employees of Body shop and the suppliers all use environmental friendly products and packaging to support the living earth. Task 4. Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate and make effective use of resources Resource allocation is used to assign the available resources in an economic way across the economy. This may be done at a regional level, Social strata based or on priority basis. Resource allocation can be studies under two broad heads This includes majority of resources that is used in today’s economy except some specific natural resources that are allocated to ensure an Oligopolistic or Monopolistic market. The economic systems attempt to distribute the available resources in an even manner through the price elasticity model. The price elasticity model proposes that demand and supply in the market will drive the cost of the resource. This is typically seen as below |High Demand – low Supply |High Prices | |Low Demand – High Supply |Low Prices | In the above cases, both demand and supply are relative to each others volumes. In a competitive market scenario, the requirement of products and services and its availability guides the prices of these resources. Given that Money by itself is a limited resource available to market forces, high prices of resources ensure optimized consumption of high priced resources. Once the resource prices are above the price of an alternative resource, market forces will start using the alternate resource as a main resource until such time that the prices of the original resource is again affordable  due to slowdown of demand. This is typically seen in the oil and gas business wherein some manufacturing organizations shift to alternative fuels like BP oil and residue oil in lieu of diesel fuel price rise. This model ensures that resources are optimally used by the economy and any steep increase in consumption is controlled through increased prices resulting in optimized allocation and effective use. allocation of some natural resources may not always take the same route as marketed resources. This is typically done by the government’s authorities to ensure lower prices of producers that reaches the consumers at large and to ensure availability of certain products to all and sundry of the population. Some very good examples of such resources are Irrigation Water supplied at subsidy to farmers, Coal allocation to Thermal power stations to ensure low electricity prices for consumers etc An economic system is consist of the several processes of organizing and motivating labour, manufacturing, allocating, and circulating of the results of human labour, including goods and services, consumer products, machineries, equipment’s, and other technology used as inputs to future manufacturing and the infrastructure within and through which manufacturing, circulation, and distribution occurs. There are three types of economic system which are generally accepted by the different nations. They are: Free market, centrally planned, mixed market. 1. Free market economic system: The interference of government is reserved at a lowest point or mistreated in open market system and all the finances assets comes under the private sectors as well market. Price mechanism will decide the amount of goods or services to be provided with respect to the market demands. The majority judgments are on the basis of market mechanism. The supply, demand and capability play the very important function in market  judgment making. According to observing at the open market operations it lifts a variety of unexplained questions like who will generate the goods and services and infrastructures for the country to congregate the requirements of the public. 2. Centrally planned economy system: Centrally planned economic system explains that government assigns the financial possessions; government initiates all the arrangement concerning the financial actions. Private sectors are held in reserve in distant in participation of any monetary gathering. These types of finances were establish in the Asian, central Europe, Eastern Europe and Latin American nations but now a days these are set up in Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea etc. In this structure fundamentally joblessness troubles will not be tackled because government organize all the monetary performances and possessions will be owed on the basis of requirements of its persons and dissimilar industries contribution. 3. Mixed economy system: This structure is a combination of all other structures. The organism where together capitalism and socialism monetary schemes are involved it is called as the mixed financial system. In this globalizing world largely the countries are acquiring this financial system. Mixed financial system divides the obtainable financial possessions accessible in the country to mutually private sectors and government. Task 5. Discuss the impact of social welfare and industrial policy initiatives on organizations and the wider community. The social welfare and industrial policy of a nation impacts not only the economy but also the larger community. |Social Welfare Policy |Health Policy | | |Housing Policy | | |Income maintenance Policy | | |Education Policy | | |Social Security | |Industrial Policy |Inflation control | | |Financial Market stability | | |Manufacturing boost for increase in employment rate | Health policy can be described as the judgment, plans, and measures that are commenced to attain specific health care goals within a society. There are many groupings of health guidelines, involving personal health care policy, pharmaceutical policy, and policies regarding health of public such as vaccination policy, tobacco control policy or breastfeeding promotion policy. They may envelop monetary subjects and liberation of health care, access to care, quality of care, and health equity. The contemporary theory of health care includes right of entry to medical professionals from different sections as well as medical technology, such as medications and surgical tools. It also includes easy access to the newest data and confirmation from research, comprising medical research and health services research. Public housing is a type of housing tenure in which the possession is hold by a government authority, which may be central or local. Social housing refers to leasing housing which may be possessed and controlled by the state, by non-profit firms, or by a mixture of the two, generally with the aspire of offering housing which could affordable. Education policy can be defined as the compilation of laws and regulations which manages and directs the functions of education systems. Education takes place in a lot of type for countless functions through several organizations. An example involves early childhood education, kindergarten from side to side to 12th grade, two and four year colleges or universities, graduate and professional education, adult education and job training. Consequently, education policy can straightly influence the educated persons involved of all ages. Income maintenance Policy is habitually functional due to several curriculums formulated to offer a residential with income at times when they are not able to take care of themselves. Income preservation is on the basis of a mixture of five major kinds of program: 1. Social insurance: 2. Means-tested benefits: 3. Non-contributory benefits:. 4. Discretionary benefits. 5. Universal or categorical benefits Social security a social insurance program given that social security or protection against socially renowned circumstances, involving scarcity, old age, disability, joblessness and others. Social security relates to a bunch of advantages obtainable (or not available) from the state, market, civil society and households, or through a grouping of these organizations, to the person/family to trim down multi-dimensional deprivation. The Industrial Policy plan of a country, from time to time condensed IP, is its official planned attempt to support the expansion and progress of the producing sector of the economy. A countrys infrastructure (transportation,  telecommunications and energy industry) is a main element of the industrialized sector that frequently has a main role in the Industrial Policy. Industrial strategies are division definite, unlike broader macroeconomic strategy. They are occasionally label as interventionist as conflicting to laissez-faire finances. Several kinds of industrial strategies comprise ordinary fundamentals with other kinds of interventionist exercises such as trade policy and fiscal policy. An example of a distinctive industrial policy is import-substitution-industrialization (ISI), where trade barriers are provisionally obligatory on a number of key sectors, such as manufacturing. By selectively securing some business, these business are provided moment in time to study (learning by doing) and improve. Task 6. Evaluate the impact of macro economic policy measures and the influence of the global economy on UK-based organizations and stakeholders. Macroeconomic policy instruments define the macroeconomic measures that can be straight away managed by an economic policy former. Instruments can be divided into two subsets: a) Monetary policy instruments and b) Fiscal policy instruments. Monetary policy is carried out by the Federal Reserve or the central bank of a country or supranational region. Fiscal policy is formulated by the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Government and contracts with supervising a nation’s Budget. 1) Monetary policy Monetary policy instruments comprise of directing short-term rates (Fed Funds and Discount rates in the U.S.), and altering reserve necessities for commercial banks. Monetary policy can be moreover extensive for the market (short-term rates low relative to inflation rate) or restraining for the  market (short-term rates high relative to inflation rate). Traditionally, the main purpose of monetary policy had been to direct or restrain domestic inflation. In recent times, central bankers have frequently paying attention on a second objective: running economic growth as both inflation and economic growth are highly interconnected. 2) Fiscal policy Fiscal policy comprises in supervision the national Budget and its investment so as to manipulate economic activity. This necessitates the growth or development of government expenses regarding particular government curriculum such as building roads or infrastructure, military expenditures and social welfare programs. It also involves the elevating of taxes to finance government expenses and the increase of debt (Treasuries in the U.S.) to meet both the ends (Budget deficit) between receipts (tax receipts) and expenses regarding the execution of government curriculum. Increasing taxes and lowering the Budget Deficit is considered to be a preventive fiscal policy, as it would decrease cumulative demand and slow down GDP growth. Reducing taxes and raising the Budget Deficit is measured as an outgoing fiscal policy that would enlarge collective demand and encourage the economy. The impact of macroeconomic policy measures On enlargement, there likely to be periods of strength follow by phase of weak or even negative growth (recessions), particularly known as the economic cycle. All governments have an objective of eradicating this cycle. They desire repeated, sensible expansion that never ignites price increments. Fresh governments have stimulated closer to this Goldilocks scenario. Become aware of that the growth rate has been over 2% without receiving out of hand for six years. Subsequent the bust/boom/bust of the early 80s/late 80s/early 90s, this is quite an accomplishment. Inflation has also been extraordinarily submissive by historical standards.  Subsequent the horribly inflationary 70s (peaked at 25%) and the near 10% figure ten years ago, RPIX has been growing at 3% pa or less for six years. The objective of full employment has efficiently been relegated to the history books. Unemployment reached one million in the 80s for the first time since the 30s, and then continued to reach 3 million (or 4 million, depending on the definition) within three years. Having said that, full employment does not mean that everyone has a job. It is a depressing reality of economic life that UK customers favor imported goods to those made in Britain. The degree of the current account deficit mainly depends, consequently, on how well we export our services. Unfortunately, services are not quite as exportable as goods, so the UK is constantly fighting a losing battle. Optimistically the modifications in technology, and our capability to utilize them, will permit us to enlarge our exports of services by sufficient in the future to permit for the deficit in goods. Some economists consider that there is no problem, since in a world of completely mobile capital; the UK no longer depends completely on their own pool of foreign reserves to compensate for its importation. These days, if you want something from overseas but you do not have the foreign currency, then immediately purchase it on the Foreign Exchange Markets. Due to the global characteristics of financial markets, the financial services industry is deeply prejudiced by worldwide monetary improvement. These financial connections to international markets are just one of the numerous conducts in which wider worldwide expansion influence the UK economy. Global economic developments For instance the current commotion in financial markets – also have a significant manner on the resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). Similar to the UK, in an open economy worldwide forces can affect the prices to rise and vary about its aim or goal temporarily, and also insert  instability into the real economy. We have observed growing oil and product costs determined by tough universal demand push up price rises in the UK and further main economies over the earlier period and couple of years. By distinction the fresh modifications and alterations in international financial market circumstances could decline demand situations in the UK and globally put forth descending pressure on price rises. These are all aspects we require to take into consideration in our attention rate judgment. Ultimately it is domestic monetary policy Not the state of the international economy, which will conclude the UK inflation rate. The challenge for the MPC consequently is to regulate interest rates to make sure that worldwide pressure does not generate lengthened and important divergence in price rises from its aim. Global economy affects UK inflation There are a broad diversity of conducts in which international economic expansion influence the UK economy and therefore manipulate our rate of price rises. The entire procedure of globalization has structural influence on the UK economy, comprising the influence on labor relocation. The prices of trade in goods and services are the first one has an impact. Imports account for approximately 30% of the value of goods and services directly and indirectly sold by UK business at residence and overseas. On the other hand, the prices of trade in manufactured merchandise will also reproduce the resources and power utilized in their produce, forming a supplementary indirect influence from product markets. The second channel of impact from the international economy is through demand. Tough expansion of demand, whether it derives at residence or overseas, permits the profit margins to develop and is pushed at an upward pressure on expenses, mainly when the economy is operating close to its capacity limits. By the similar token, weak demand exercises a dampening  impact on cost and price augmentation. Manipulating demand situations with the help of interest rates is one of the major means due to which the Monetary Policy Committee controls UK price rises. International economic expansion influence demand circumstances in the UK both directly and indirectly. The direct influence comes in the course of alteration in the demand for UK exports of goods and services, which make up approximately a quarter of the production of UK businesses on average. The significance of abroad demand diverges significantly among diverse sectors of the UK economy. Some manufacturing sectors sell a huge percentage of their production abroad, and for manufacturing industry as a total exports are approximately half the worth of production. In calculation to this export channel, there are also indirect financial connections in the course of which international economic circumstances can affect UK demand. The UK business society is extremely intercontinental, depicting our custom as a trading nation and the honesty and friendliness of our financial markets to abroad investment. A lot of UK businesses are branch of bigger worldwide groupings, which is probable to strengthen the compassion of their investment and other trade judgments to worldwide demand and profitability. In accumulation to these price and demand factors, there is a third method in which worldwide economic situations might also influence UK price rises, which is in the course of their influence on the pricing conditions. As businesses turn out to be further skilled and global in edge, some economists have disagreed that international circumstances have turn out to be more and more significant in influencing pricing actions, relation to domestic issues. As per this vision, the worldwide equilibrium of demand and supply and spirited forces on international markets may appear to have an important influence on cost in economies which are release to global business, such as the UK. The role of monetary policy In a world in which worldwide progress has a significant manner on UK price rises, monetary course of action should react in subsequent way. One ending you might illustrate from my conversation so far is that UK price rises will be deeply subjective by international upgrading. And however, in spite of the modifications we have observed in the worldwide market more than the decade, UK price rises has been low down and extraordinarily steady. Three major traditions in which financial guidelines can act as a factor to manipulate the price rises when the UK economy is batter by worldwide shocks. The first of these is the affect the interest rates on the exchange rate. The exchange rate is not straightly managed by financial policy. But financial policy has a significant impact. The interest rate discrepancy among diverse currency and the aspects, which are anticipated to manipulate its influence in currency markets due to their influence on the possible income to investors. If financial policy is constrict comparative to other countries, or is estimated to be constrict, this will be likely to push up the exchange rate in the next to time. Such an increase in the exchange rate should have a dampening influence on import cost augmentations, and can consequently answer an increase in worldwide price rises pressures. It also affects how eye-catching abroad markets are to exporters and consequently has a supplementary influence through the state of demand. The second way in which financial policy can contradict worldwide monetary forces is due to its influence on domestic demand expenditure by customers and investment by the private sector, both of which are exaggerated by interest rate alteration. Customer expenditure is the biggest single constituent of demand in the UK, and accounts for concerning 60% of domestic expenditure. A contraction in policy such as we have observed over the past year should have an important influence on the expansion of utilization, and therefore domestic demand. A third steady aspect is the reliability of financial policy and its  influence on cost prospect. If price raises prospect stay fast at or shut to the price rises goal, turbulence to the price rises pathway should demonstrate momentary, and it will be simpler for financial policy to be carried out a provisional shift in price rises. The duty of the MPC is now made simple by the practice of a decade and a half of low and steady price rises, which has assisted to fasten UK, price rises prospects. The impact and pass-through of the identified unconventional policy shocks should help to learn more about the extraordinary policy measures taken by central banks as a response to the financial turmoil. Some caution is, however, required. A caveat of the analysis is that the estimations are based on a sample period that covers the turbulent period on financial markets, as well as normal times. An implicit assumption is hence that the parameters did not change dramatically as a consequence of the crisis. In addition, the analysis only captures unconventional monetary policy to the extent that the measures influence the banking sector. Hence, a useful extension would be to also include direct lending of central banks in private markets in the analysis.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Media Discourse Of Youth Subcultures Media Essay

The Media Discourse Of Youth Subcultures Media Essay The cultural universe of young people is a complex and dynamic one (White, 1999) and there has always been a tendency among youth researchers to investigate the significant social changes that are being revealed through the experiences of contemporary youth (Leccardi Ruspini, 2006). Some of the earliest sociological researches on youth can be linked to the emergence of new forms of consumptions and distinct youth cultures that began to rise in the late 1950s. The changes in youth at this era were highly visible through music and fashion the young populations were consuming. This was viewed both as a result of the increase time available for leisure and personal resources (Leccardi Ruspini, 2006) as well as an attempt to create some symbolic meaning for self (White, 1999). In times of high unemployment where youth were caught in between the ideology of spectacular consumption promoted by the mass media and the traditional ideology of capitalism and the meritocratic work led to a pro liferation of empirical studies across a wide range of diverse issues from homelessness to unemployment, youth crime to street gang violence that engages in research relevant to both empirical and theoretical matters in order to stretch the conceptual boundaries in the contemporary society (White, 1993). Youth subcultures can be viewed as a response to the interaction between these different areas. This response is seen by some as an identity seeking reaction between resistance to consumerism created by the production based Puritanism and the new hedonism of post war consumption (White, 1993). This paper looks into the contemporary youth subcultures and the media discourse used in the representation of these subcultures. It is argued that such negative representations of youth subcultures would result in the popularization and re enforcement of activities rather than limiting or controlling such deviant behaviors and thereby confirming the labeling of a demonized and at risk youth groups. Further, the reports supports the idea that the media interventions in crime and social problem areas can lead to misplaced reactive political resources in mythic rather than real social problem areas resulting in amplified and exacerbated social problems generating moral panics (White, 1999). A culture can be defined as designs for living that constitute peoples way of life (Macionis Plummer, 2008:128). The five components of culture identified by Macionis and Plummer (2008: 130) include; symbols, language, values, norms and material culture. Culture has several, often contradictory meanings that carries ambiguity that can be traced in its different uses throughout history (Brake, 1985). While the classical perspective views culture as a standard of excellence (high culture), others view culture as a way of life which expresses certain meanings and values attached with a particular way of life known as the low culture'(Williams, 1961, p. 57). It is this conceptualisation of low culture that is central to the development of subcultures as an analytical concept (Brake, 1985). Subcultures can be defined as a cultural pattern that set apart some segment of a societys population (Macionis Plummer, 2008: 139) or a social group which is perceived to deviate from the normative ideals of adult communities (Thornton, 1995: 2). The earliest use of subcultural theories within sociology can be linked to its application as a subdivision of a national culture (Lee, 1945; Gordon, 1947). Culture in this context was viewed as learned behaviour with emphasis on the effects of socialisation within the cultural subgroups of a pluralist society (Brake, 1985). In most of the Western world, studies of youth subcultures have been dominated by a tradition associated with the 1970s work of the Centre of Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham, England (Thornton, 1995). The Birmingham subcultural studies tend to banish media and commerce from their definition of authentic culture seen media and commerce as incorporating subcultures into the hegemony and effectively dismantling them (Hedbige, 1978). Chicago School sociologists on the other hand were concerned on researching empirical social groups by taking precedence over their elaboration of theory and were mainly focused on the shadier recesses of polite society (Nayaka, 2003:14 in Thornton, 1995). This report will look at subcultures as cultures that are labelled directly or indirectly by the media with a problematic authenticity and as media and commerce integral to the authentication of its cultural practices. Supporting this, A.K. Cohen states that a major determinant of s ubcultures among the youth as what people do depending upon the problems they contended with (Cohen, 1955, p.51). Cultural theorists argue that what it means to be young should be seen in the context of its cultural significance indicating that it is the context of cultural significance that makes been young so distinctive and not the structural focus of society (Alan, 2007). That is, the context the youth are exposed to and the issues that their exposures carry play a significant role in the construction of a youths culture. When understanding the conflicts surrounding young people and the way they use public space, the media plays a central role by constituting and shaping the principal form of the public sphere and by gathering and distributing important public information (Thompson, 1994 in Sercombe, 1999). One may argue that there is no certain measure of the direct effects of media coverage on the public. However, there are often negative and powerful cultural effects of media produced by the constant flow of its commercialized imaginary fictions and stereotypical coverages that socially construct a moral and narrative set of offerings upon which the youth attempt to build their identities on (White, 1993). Not only in building identities, the youth tend to use these social constructions by the media also as a measure for their achievements and personal worth by simply deriving an identity from a set of meanings drawn on the basis of media constructed stimulations instead of their local experiences (Baudrillard, 1983). It is important to note that the notion of identities are constructed across and by differences, and the social construction of youth identities though historically varied is tightly bound with the media representations made available at the time (White,1999). Therefore, we can argue that media is a critical component of the development and maintenance of the representation of young people which often feeds into the fears and negative attitude surrounding the presence of young people in public space as problematic or threatening (Sercombe, 1999). Moral panics in relation to youth music and subculture are not uncommon in the news and other media (Goode Ben-Yehuda, 2008, pp. 124-145, in Phillipoy 2009). Most cities in Australia like many other cities around the world housed for a large number of subcultural activities ranging from skateboarders occupying the steps and benches in the Melbourne streets to Goths congregating the inner city suburbs (Gelder, 2007). It also has a number of drag night clubs, gay and lesbian bars, a remarkable graffiti subculture; in which Melbourne has been claimed as a stencil graffiti capital (Smallman Nyman, 2005). Australia has several times witnessed its teenage subcultures clash in the streets; like the Mods and Sharpies in August 1966 (Sparrow Sparrow, 2004: 73-77). Stan Cohens classic Folk Devils and Moral Panics (1980) and the centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies Policing the Crisis (Hall et al. 1978) both indicate how mainstream media contributes to the public anxiety about youth subcultures and youth groups that are deemed to be deviant. Cohen, in his work looks at the development of conflict between mods and rockers, in a British seaside town, and particularly the escalation of conflict that arose as a result of the medias representation of these events. He argues that the media were responsible for amplifying the perception of deviance arising from a few of small-scale disturbances, which ultimately led to an escalated interventions from the police and judiciary, with the demonization and over-typification of young people involved in the mod or rocker styles. Similarly in Australia Cunneen et al. 1989, carried out a study on the disturbances at the Bathurst motorcycle races concluding that it was the over representation of the small di sturbances that led to the large scale conflicts and that the press concentrated on authority opinion while sensationalizing the material published (Cunneen et al., 1989). When analysing the literature published on the media representations of youth and youth subcultures it is evident that communications media create subcultures in the process of naming them and drawing boundaries around them in the act of describing them (Thonrton, 1995). The way media is inextricably involved in the meaning making and organization of youth subcultures will be discussed through the analysis of the representations of many recent incidents related to youth subcultures, particularly the ravers, Goths and emo subcultures. The rave subculture emerged worldwide in the late 1980s as a musical subculture and was a phenomenon in the area that attempted to invert the traditional rock n roll authenticity by remixing and creating a cutting edge disk culture with a warehouse party format and was established in Chicago, Detroit and across Britain (Thornton, 1995:4). Soon groups of young people were clustered in sites conventionally aligned with musical performance to listen and dance to electronic dance music played by djs in Sydneys alternative rock scene Unlike other musical subcultures such as alternative rock scene where performances generally took place in formal environments such as pubs and clubs the raves in Australian cities began to use spaces such as old warehouses, factories and train stations for their activities (Gibson Pagan, 2006). Since the late 1980s rave culture worldwide has increased their members and was diversified and fragmented in many aspects becoming more contradictory with various s ubcultures emerging such as the Doofs, Drum and Bass and Happy hard core. Mean while controversies and public moral panics were starting to generate over the diverged more politicized illegal party culture that were shifting itself from the mainstream (Gibson Pagen, 2006). Associations were made between these part scenes and illegal drugs such as ecstasy by the media providing the basis for a moral panic. Ravres were described as new age hippies where their activities summed up to no sex, but drugs and rock roll (Sun Herald, 15/1/1995:1995,121). Dance parties in Sydney eventually became associated with tropes of youth deviance and illegality making the rave space in the public consciousness as a site beyond the domain of mainstream, and thereby causing strong reactions from the public and a need for increased control over their events (Gibson Pagen, 2006). A major shift in the perception of the public of youth subcultures could be related to the ecstasy related death of teenager A nna Woods from Sydney at an Apache party in 1995. Her death was magnified within the media creating an unprecedented wave of media attention and public panic. With headlines such as Ecstasy agony and Ecstasy secret world running on the front pages for nearly two weeks, dramatically altering not only the rave culture but the perception of youth subcultures as a whole (See Sydney Morning Herald, 26/20/1995:1,4). The initial response of sympathy by the public to the incident soon turned into fear and anger that progressed from tension and social anxiety to a full blown social and political crisis (McRobbie, 1994) with scapegoating not only the ravers but creating fear against many youth subcultures (see Daily Telegraph, 25/10/1995:415). The death of Anna was interpreted as a symptom of the malaise affecting many young Australians (Daily Telegraph, 5/11/1995:8), with the NSW state government taking actions to close down clubs and bars which have promoted drugs in parties (Gibson Pagen, 2006). For a few months in 2007, the dangers of Emo and computer use were significant themes in many Australian newspaper coverages (Phillipoy, 2009). Emo is an abbreviation of the terms emocore or emotional hardcore which is a musical sub-genre of punk rock music, characterised by emotional or personal themes. They adopt a look that includes black stovepipe jeans, dyed black hair and side-parted long fringes, which might merely have been one of the many tribes (Bennett, 1999) that characterise this contemporary youth culture(Phillipoy, 2009). Following the deaths of Melbourne teenagers, Jodie Gater, Stephanie Gestier and Carly Ryan in year 2007, over an approximately five months period the media portrayed the two separate incidents linking the suicide and the murder to the Emo subculture and to the social networking site MySpace, presenting both as dangerous and worrying developments in contemporary youth culture (Phillipoy, 2009). These media discourses surrounding the deaths included many features of moral panic including a build-up of concerns disproportionate to the real risk of harm (see Goode Ben-Yehuda, 2002, pp.33-41). While the emo youth were viewed as straightforward folk devil (Cohen, 1972) or the enemy, the problem of emo was also framed as a product of much broader problems of youth culture (Goode Ben-Yehuda, 2002). The connections between emo and the deaths of these young girls were tenuously published over the mass media and was seen as symptomatic of what John Hartley (1998) describes in the context of r eporting on young people more generally as a profound uncertainty in the textual system of journalism about where the line that defines the boundary of the social should be drawn by the broader groups of non-subculturaly affiliated youth. The result of this according to Phillipoy, is a cultural thinking out loud (Hartley, 1998) where broader cultural anxiety are expressed and explored that can be described as anxiety about disclosure. The newspaper coverages on the deaths focused on the dangers of young peoples disclosures that made them inaccessible to adult authority that otherwise could have prevented the tragedies. Although some of these concerns were connected to the specificities of emo subcultural expression, with excessive emotions on display and the enigma associated with subcultural imagery respectively, they were on the whole linked to a broader problem in contemporary youth culture that was seen to apply to all young people, irrespective of any subcultural affiliation. T he expressions of anxieties that the private lives of young people were becoming increasingly unknowable to adult authorities, and, hence, that youth culture itself was increasingly unknowable were popular statements made by the media (Phillipoy, 2006). Reportings such as bizarre teenage goth and emo world world constructed both as dangerous (in the sense that the apparent involvement in subcultural activities was presented as disturbing and something that put her at risk of harm) and impenetrable (in the sense that subcultural affiliations and imagery was understood not simply as harmful but also as bizarre). In conclusion, the representations of young people in the media directly or indirectly depend on the interest of the newspapers and the discourse of its source. Language used by these media allows painting young people in different colors (Sercombe, 1999) and as youth subcultures are prime fare for the news media as in terms of news value they are both exotic and familiar (White, 1993) media and youth subcultures have a complex and symbolic relationship where young people are devoted consumers and producers of media and engage with media in the approval and adaptation of subcultural forms for their own context. Therefore, many of the subcultures can be argued to be reproduced and constructed through the media (White, 1999). The mainstream media however tend to represent youth subcultures mythologically as they often attempts to represent not the real world but the world that suits the advertisers, owners and the government. This leads to the constant stereotyping, reinforcing and exa ggerating issues, particularly in relation to the youth (White, 1993). Youth was been commodified and portrayed within the media as the mindless hedonism of lost youth (Brown, 2005). They were categorized as a careless generation that was only concerned with seeking pleasure and satisfaction from personal risk taking and drug use (Brown, 2005). By constructing notions of deviance and illegality, commercial media not only position youth and youth subcultures but are implicated in defining authentic underground activities that further strengthen subcultural practices that are deemed deviant (Gibson Pagan, 2006). Therefore, it is clear that media have been and is today, a major influence in fuelling and reinforcing perceptions of problem youth. Subcultures are constructed and stereotyped by the media as deviant and the media representations linked to the issues around subcultures have created an image of uncaring, hedonistic and self centered youth (Alan, 2007). Hence, this report suggest that the media is directly or indirectly responsibility for the fuelling and reinforcing of such deviant activities that they have constructed aligned to youth subcultures and that youth subcultures are a social construction mainly influenced by the national mass media. Therefore, the national media, particularly newspapers as the most commo nly used news media has a responsibility in the a discourses that are used to represent youth groups and youth subcultures as it carries an impact on the broader youth communities worldwide.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Future of Career Development. Essay -- Careers Workforce Job Essay

The Future of Career Development Trends in the changing workplace have created employment practices that have implications for career development. Company downsizing, early retirement buyouts, and the growing use of contingent employment has led some people to fear that full-time employment will not be available to them. However, new configurations of workers and alternative work arrangements do not necessarily signify lost employment opportunities. This Myths and Realities examines the differences between perception and practice as they relates to employment and career development. Loyalty and job security have disappeared The new "partnership" relationship between employer and employee, which is reportedly replacing the old "parent-child" relationship, emphasizes worker employability. In the "partnership" relationship, employers provide employees with opportunities for career and skill development, and employees take advantage of the opportunities they are given to enhance their skills, marketability, and potential for continued employment. Philosophically, this employer-employee trade off is equally beneficial. Employers invest time and money in their employees' growth, employees learn updated skills that are reflected in improved worker productivity and increased company profits, and employers realize a good "return on investment." In practice, however, the cycle is not always completed. Loyalty, which seems a natural outgrowth of the give and take process, may be too elusive to rely on chance. From the onset, organizations deciding to upgrade the skills and employability of their employees have been concerned that they could lose the workers they train to their competition. Filipczak (1995) countered this per... ...EL ADMINISTRATION 15, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 46-61. Filipczak, B. "You're on Your Own." TRAINING 32, no. 1 (January 1995): 29-36. Hetzer, B. "Beware the Ties that Bind." BUSINESS WEEK, March 17, 1997, pp. 120-121. Kane, A. "Older Workers Widen Role in Work Force." CAREER MAGAZINE <> 1996 Kennedy, J. "Employment Agreements Becoming More Common." THE PLAIN DEALER, June 1, 1997, p. 5D. National Alliance of Business. "The Contingent' Workforce: Temporary Phenomenon or Permanent Fixture?" WORKFORCE ECONOMICS 2, no. 7 (June 1996): 7-11. (ED 398 424) Tarrant, J. PERKS AND PARACHUTES. New York: Random House, 1997. "Your Life." USA TODAY 125, no. 2622 (March 1997): 6. Vickers, M. "Quitting a New Job? You May Pay the Movers." NEW YORK TIMES, February 9, 1997, Section 3, p. 11.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Environmental Impacts of a Cement Plant Unit

Decision The building activities will ensue in minimal loss of flora and surface soil in the works country. Maximum possible extent tree cutting would be avoided. No important inauspicious impact on the dirt in the encompassing country is anticipated. During building stage, dust will be the chief pollutant, which would be generated from the site development activities and vehicular motion on the route. The impact of such activities would be confined within the undertaking boundary and restricted to the building stage. To extenuate these impacts regular scattering of H2O will be done at the building site. The attack roads will be black carpeted and vehicles will be kept in good order to minimise car fumes. The coevals of domestic sewerage discharge from labour settlements and lavation of building stuffs stockpiled and concrete batching works will hold some impact on surface H2O and to a smaller grade on groundwater. To turn to possible impacts on H2O quality, disinfected latrines ( with regular liming ) will be used as chief constituent of the sanitation system.Construction procedure would include fiction of steel constructions, concrete and related H2O use. The possible impact is considered minor as it will be largely happening during building period and will hold no long term impact with position to relentless pollution. The overall impact on H2O environment during building stage due to the cement works would be of short term continuance and insignificant. The major beginnings of noise during the building stage are vehicular traffic, building equipment like dozers, scrapers, concrete misers, Cranes generators, pumps, compressors, stone drills, pneumatic tools, proverbs, vibrators etc.the operation of these equipment will bring forth noise runing between 70-85 dubnium ( A ) . The noise produced during the building will hold important impact on the bing ambient noise degrees. The major work will be carried out during the daylight. Most of the land identified for the bing undertaking contains bare land with limited figure of trees. Trees will be cut merely if required and as per functional demand. The remotion of flora from the dirt and relaxation of the surface soil by and large causes dirt eroding. However such impacts will be confined to the works site and will be minimized through pavement and H2O scattering. Therefore no major loss of biomass is envisaged during building stage. The non workers in the constitute more than 60 % of the entire population in 10 kilometers radius survey area.This indicates the handiness of ample work force required for the building activity in the vicinity. The works will supply either direct or indirect occupation chances to the local population every bit far as possible. There will be some migration of labour force from outside the survey country during building stage, which may set some force per unit area on the local colonies and resources. So the demographic impact is envisaged to be fringy and impermanent in nature. However, the flow of work forces, money and stuff will impact the socio-economic position of the people in the country. The positive impact may be the addition of employment chances for unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Ancillary development such as stores, hotels and other allied services will besides open up avenues for employment. The subsequent betterment in the position of the people will besides assist in increasing the wellness and instruction position of the people. Diseases matching to labour influex and their impact on local community will be regulary monitored. Health position monitoring of labors and its environing population shall be carried out with the nomadic wellness attention installations. During building of any big undertaking, there is ever opportunity of traffic congestion on nearby roads due to heavy vehicular motion. However it was observed that the route web next to the cement works has medium traffic and have a mix of fast moving and decelerate traveling traffic. Thus add-on of the awaited vehicles during building stage will non hold much impact on the traffic scenario. Literand demand for the cement works is 120.626 hour angle, which is already in ownership of the company. With execution of the works, the land usage at the site will be for good changed to industrial class. Impacts on dirts will be restricted during building stage, which will acquire stabilized during operational stage. The impact on the top dirt will be confined to the chief works country. The air borne fleeting dust from the works is likely to be deposited on the surface soil in immediate locality of the works boundary. However, the fleeting emanation are likely to be controlled to a great extent through control steps such as H2O sprinkler systems and dust extraction and dust suppression systems shall be installed. All the solid waste generated will be to the full re-used either in the procedure or in accessory activities ; therefore no impact of solid waste is envisaged on dirt quality of the country. Adequate stack highs have been provided to scatter gaseous emanations over a broad country. In order to command emanations of particulates adequate control equipment are installed.Prediction of impacts on air environment has been carried out by utilizing land degree concentration at a distance of 1.0 kilometers on southeast way. The impact on air quality is assessed based on emanation of the cement works. Particulate affair will be the of import pollutant breathing from the cement works, the maximal attendant land degree concentration that the maximal short term 24 hourly land degree concentrations for PM, SO2and NOx during normal operations of the works composite are likely to be 2.48 & A ; micro ; g/m3, 12.85 & A ; micro ; g/m3and 9.75 & A ; micro ; g/m3 severally occuruing at a distance of 1.0 to 1.5 kilometers during station monsoon season. Fleeting dust emanations from the bing works would be important as there will be air pollution due to activities like conveyance of limestone, coal handling, cinder handling, and oppressing unit and by and large due to the motion of vehicles on the roads. The limestone conveyance is being carried out by covered conveyer system from the limestone crusher unit to the works, therefore fleeting dust in non envisaged. Number of smaller sized bag dust collectors/bagfilters for de-dusting at tasfer points and other fleeting dust emanation countries are installed. Hence the impact due to fleeting emissuions would be undistinguished. All the internal roads within the works premises will be metalled ; hence dust originating from the internal roads will be in important. The greenway and regular H2O sprinking will foster aid decrease in fleeting emanations. The bing cement works contains figure of points of heavy equipment such as fans, engines, generators and cement grinding works. There will be associated route or rail traffic including truck motion and loading equipment. Consequently cement fabrication is likely to bring forth noise and quiver. Noise and quiver is greater from heavy truck traffic associated with quarry operations and conveyance of natural stuffs and finished merchandise. The chief noise bring forthing beginnings from the cement works will be crushers, ball Millss, ice chest fans, pumps, compressors, turbines along with chilling tower and boilers. The noise degrees at the beginning for these units will be maintasined below 85 dubnium ( A ) . Hazardous waste in the signifier of used and godforsaken oil is generated from autoworkshop, different subdivision of cement works. No risky waste will be generated either in the procedure or pollution control equipment installations. There is no solid waste generated from the cement works. All the dust collected in air pollution control equipment ( APCEs ) will automatically be recycled into the procedure. Flyash use will be as per MoEF flyash use presentment. Flyash will be 100 % for production of pozzolona cement devising by the cement works. Solid waste in the signifier of sludge is generated from the sewerage intervention works. The waste will be used for maintain the assorted lequire suspended solids ( MLSS ) in the activated sludge procedure of STP and the balance waste is used as manure for greenway development. Since the unit will be runing on zero discharge procedure, no inauspicious impact on surface H2O organic structures is envisaged. The works drainage system will be ap propriately designed such that the storm H2O does non transport any pollutants. The impact from the air emanation is non expected to be important since the stack tallness design and the atmosphereic conditions are such that the ambient air quality at present every bit good as in hereafter after the present installation will be within the prescribed ambient air quality bounds set Forth by CPCB. Comprehensive control steps have been incorporated as elaborated under Environment direction program ( EMP ) . The discharge of waste stuffs ( stack emanation, waste H2O and solid wastes ) from works operations potentially could hold impact on public safety ad wellness if proper extenuation steps are non taken. The impact from the discharge of waste merchandises is non expected to be important since, the inauspicious impacts on ambient air, H2O and dirt quality are predicted to be low. It is predicted that the impacts on public safety will be really low, due to the effectuive safety system and safety direction available in the works. Overall, the impact on public safety and wellness from the cement works activities are likely to be undistinguished. Govindgarh modesty wood is 0.2 km north-northeast waies 10 kilometers radius survey country. But there are no ecologically sensitive countries like wildlife sanctuaries within 10 kilometers radius from the works and besides no migration path to avi zoology is observed or recorded in the survey country. Son gharihal sanctuary is located at a distance of 9.0 kilometer towards south east direction.similarlly as per the wood section, no endangered or rare species of vegetations and zoologies are reported or observed in the survey country. Development of a thick greenway and besides application of limestone injection in AFBC ( Atmosphric fluidized bed burning ) boilers, transit of stuff through closed conveyer system still further cut down of pollution tonss in the environing countries and contain the negative impact on wood and tellurian ecology. Hence the impacts on the tellurian ecology will be undistinguished. The wastewaters are non envisaged to be discharged into any watercourses. Hence no impact is envisaged from the bing works on aquatic organic structures. The impacts on the ecology will be due to the incremental gaseous concentrations and noise generated during operation of the bing power works. The demand of unskilled work force will be met from nearby small towns during building and operation stage. The works will besides assist in coevals of indirect employment apart from direct employment. This will be a positive socio-economic development for the part. There will be a general upliftment of criterion of life in the part. The discharge of waste stuffs ( stack emanation, effluent and solid wastes ) from procedure operations is expected to be undistinguished and may non hold possible impact on public safety and wellness. The inauspicious impacts on ambient air and dirt quality are predicted to be undistinguished. Primary wellness study was carried out to measure the wellness position of the people in the survey country in the small towns of Majhigawan, Sarda, Jurmani, Hinauti and Gorhatola small towns which are autumn in 2 kilometers radius from mines lease boundary. The survey reveals that in general the country is prone to malaria in monsoon season and icterus before and after monsoon season. Therefore is no disease form which can be attributable to any industrial pollution. The incidence of any lungs related wellness upset are chiefly due to the wonts such as smoke. The cement works unit together with confined power works will ensue in betterment of substructure every bit good as upliftment of societal construction in the surrounding small towns. The people shacking in the nearby countries will be benefited indirectly. The major benefit due to the cement works will be in the domain of bring forthing impermanent employment for significant figure of forces. During the enlargement of building stage about 1000 people on an norm will be employed. The work force during operational period is estimated to be about 350 individuals. Employment will be provided to eligible undertaking affected individuals both during building and operational stage. Impermanent employment for people from the adjacent small towns during building stage. The instruction and substructure installations such as development of ply land for childrens, noon repasts, computing machine preparation for the children/youth of weaker subdivision, scholarship for pupils of college/ITI, upg radation/renovation of bing schools, H2O supply, furniture, computing machines, library, books, school bags, athleticss kits, healthful installations etc. will be provided. Supplying primary wellness centres and ambulance installation. Conduction of vaccination/immunization programmes including infantile paralysis cantonments, oculus cantonments and medical assistance, reding and rehabilitation installations for drug addicts.Assistance/encouragement to self aid groups and income coevals strategies. Community development activies such as building of new community/panchayat halls. Provision of solar energy to community/panchyat edifice. Rennovation and modernisation of bing community/panchyat halls. The budget estimated under CSR activies is about Rs. 55 crores as on one clip capital outgo and Rs. 11 crores as repeating outgo per annum for 10 old ages.