Monday, September 30, 2019

Learning Style Inventory

The two personality inventories that my cousin and I took part in measure the five factors that most psychologists use in studying the personality of the individual. However, each test was administered by a different group and found on a different website. Both tests provide a set of questions that measure what are considered to be the five basic dimensions of one’s personality: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. Collectively, these dimensions are called the Big-5 dimensions. The first test is found on the website According to the website, the personality survey had two main objectives. The first is, â€Å"to find out more about these five dimensions of personality.† The second objective is, â€Å"To take part in and further the use of the internet as a collaborative and data collection tool.† Furthermore, the questions in the test were taken from International Personality Item Pool. The descriptions of each of the basic dimension were derived from the work of John Johnson. The participant was asked to rate the phrases that describe people’s behavior depending on how accurate they describe him. In addition to measuring the big-5 dimensions, the test also included items about one’s musical preferences and cognitive ability. There were a total of 60 questions about the big-5 dimensions and an additional 26 about musical preference and cognitive ability. Upon comparing my results of the test to that of my cousin, I found out that of the five dimensions measured, we differed significantly in only one dimension, extraversion. My cousin is considered to be more of an extravert than I am. In fact, he scored very high in the said dimension. On the other hand, out of 100, I only rated 34. He is considered to be highly sociable, energetic, and outgoing. My score, on the other hand, is seen as average. According to the description given, I am neither a loner nor a social butterfly. In other words, there are times I prefer to be around other people enjoying their company but there are also times that I prefer to be alone. For the dimension of agreeableness, we both were rated high, meaning, we both possess a strong interest in other people’s needs. As both our reports said, â€Å"You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.† For conscientiousness, both my cousin and I scored high. This high score indicates that we set our goals and aim to achieve these goals. Likewise, we are both considered to be hard-working and reliable. With regards to the dimension of emotional stability, both of us scored high which indicates that we are calm and not easily rattled or stressed. Furthermore, it says that we remain unaffected by intense situations. For the last dimension, openness, both my cousin and I scored average. According to our reports, this meant that we are not purely conventional nor are completely radical. In other words, we enjoy certain traditional things but are somewhat open to venturing out to unfamiliar things as well. The second personality inventory we took measure the same personality dimensions as the first. The test is available to anyone through the website: There are a total of 48 items in the test. The participant is asked to rate their agreement with a given statement about themselves from a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 meaning complete disagreement and 5 meaning complete agreement. These items will see how the participant perceives himself to be like. My results in this test did not differ much from the first test. The main difference was that in this test, I scored low in openness to experience. In this test, I found out that I am conventional. In the earlier test I was neither conventional nor the opposite. For the other dimensions, my scores were very similar to the first. Basically, the test told me that I am well-organized and reliable. Also, it said that I am neither reserved nor particularly social. Furthermore, my results indicated that I was considerate of the feelings of other people and that I remain calm even in tense situations. On the other hand, the results of my cousin in this test remained consistent with his earlier test. As such, in this test, our differences lie in the dimensions of extraversion and openness. This test revealed that he was highly sociable and that was neither conventional nor complex. As for the dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability or neuroticism, our scores did not differ significantly indicating that we shared such personality traits. I learned several things from taking the two tests. First, it was able to tell me certain things about my personality. I discovered that I should not consider my self as completely unsociable for I do have the capability to mingle and enjoy my time with other people. I have long seen myself as being a loner but the tests have shown me that I indeed have it in me to enjoy the company of other people. Secondly, taking the test made me realize that indeed people who are alike tend to stay together. I am very close to my cousin. With our results being very similar, I realized that it was because we were very much alike in certain areas. Finally, the tests gave me a glimpse as to who I am. Although I know that the results do not sum up who I really am, I am glad to gain even just a faint idea as to who I really am. Reference: John, O (2003). The big-5 personality test. University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved 29 October 2007 from: Revelle, W. (n.d). Internet Personality Inventory Survey. Northwestern University. Retrieved 29 October 2007 from:   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Communication and Crisis Paper Essay

A crisis is an occurrence that exceeds a person’s normal copying ability Du Prà © (2005). When unexpected, sudden situations occur it affects a community. When things happen that we are not prepared for, it can create chaos and negative outcomes can occur. One of the most common unexpected situations is natural disaster, when nature decides to unexpectedly show us what it is capable, sometimes it can be devastating. However, man made disaster can also occur and cause just as much devastation. Hurricane Katrina and The Three Mile Island nuclear reactor are great examples of disasters that caused great alarm and devastation. These two were deal different and communicated in different ways to the public because of the technology and resources available at the time it happen. As a Director of a regional Emergency Management Office, using these two scenarios as learning experience will help create a plan to address within the organization as well as with the public to try to use b est practices to avoid same mistakes in order to be successful at communicating but not alarming the community. It will be important to take into consideration the types and appropriate communication channesl to use inside and outside the organization, as well as analyzing the advantages and challenges faced to communicate with different groups outside the organization as well as the public. Individual or groups that will be communicating inside and outside the organization As a regional director of this Management Office, the main job is to keep people up to date of the situation at hand. The chain of command is critical to making sure services and resources are utilized in a timely manner without duplication Shover (2007). The first step is to communicate everyone in the organization of the situation at hand by an immediate phone conference with upper management followed by a memo to the rest of the  organization with a plan of action. If a crisis is not well handled that can damage the organizations reputation and credibility Hicks (2012). It will be important to appoint a spokes person to be in charged of dealing with the media, and also create a hot line for people to call with concerns regarding the situation. Simultaneously, contact all local and public health agencies, state public health agencies, federal public agencies, any Emergency medical services, hospitals, nongovernmental response such as American Red Cross, CERT, Faith based organization as well as business. According to Shover (2007) The Standard Emergency Management System (SEMS) (Governor’s Office, 1994) is an incident command system (ICS) and was initiated into California law in 1991. The basics of SEMS are to enhance coordination and communication of information and mutual aid resources between local and state authorities during an emergency. By using the state and governmental agencies, it will help to use their communication channels, since they communicate with each other, it will create a fast response and at the same time it cause that the public to get good communication with out creating a panic. Advantages and Challenges Associated with Communication with The Groups One of the biggest challenges with communicating with various groups in this situation will be trying to keep everyone calmed and up to date with all the appropriate information within the organization as well as other groups outside the organization. Many organizations create a comprehensive crisis plans in order to be prepared for any crisis Hicks (2012). If people with in the organization are not aware of what is going on, and what plan to implement, they will not be able to act appropriately and perform their job duties, and that can cause a bigger chaos. The director’s job is to be able to choose appropriate communication channels to keep all the employees in the organization informed as well with a plan of action to portray a sense of calmness regardless of what is going on and that can be hard. If the appropriate communication channels are not used, they organization can fall apart and the public will suffer the effects of their challenges. If the public is not informed of what is going on using the correct channels of communication, they will feel a sense of distrust and panic can arise. That is why is important to keep the information simple, accurate, honest and delivered in a timely manner. If they are issues where they don’t know the answer its ok to say so instead of covering  information. The public needs to know that there will be an action plan in order and that the organization has the situation under control. Helping the public to understand the roles of the different agencies will help them to keep invol ved. If other organizations don’t keep calm, then they can also can cause a bigger chaos which will make the twice is hard to deal with the original situation. Now not only they will have to worry about the life-threatening biological agent situation, but now they will need to figure out a way to keep everyone calm and that can slow down the operation of the emergency plan at hand. Advantages of keeping everyone informed will help in managing the crisis at hand and increase in productivity within and out side the organization. If all the employees of the organization are well informed of what is going on, they will be able to perform all their duties accordingly, making easier to manage the situation. If all the other agencies and private sectors are well communicated of the local organization’s plan of action, they can help support their efforts. Keeping everyone calmed and giving them options of what can be done and what other organizations are doing to support the public will help create a sense of cohesiveness and control of the situation which will in exchange keep everyone calmed. Differences in Communication Processes Used The crisis situations with the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor used different sources of communication that the ones used with Hurricane Katrina. What they had in common is that hey used the best communication that they had available at the time. In the case of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor they used the three major networks and local radio stations which was the best and more efficient way to inform people at that time. In the case of Hurricane Katrina since there was more technology available they used newer sources like internet, cell phones, text messages and other websites to disseminate information which was the best sources to get the information to the public. Because most of the local channels of radio and television were affected and the infrastructures was affected they had to expand communication to outside of the community to bring resources in. Of course television and radio was used, but compared with the Three Mile Island reactor more technology was available. Taking this into consideration, as a Regional Director’s job, finding the correct channels to  disseminate the information will be a big task and using the most up to day and the most effective channels will be the key to success. Depending of the crisis or disaster at hand the right channels need to be used initially and if the initial channels are not effective it will be important to reassess to be more successful. Appropriate Technology to Use In the case of the biological agent crisis, the director will make sure that the correct channels of communication are used. Different channels are available at different times to try to reach different types of population. Phone, as well as hot lines, local, surrounding, state wide and even countrywide communities radio, newspaper, television, internet, other organizations websites, email to other agencies and distribution lists, social media, blogs, photo videos like Skype, You Tube will be appropriate. It will be important to keep in mind all of the possible channels that people have available and unavailable to make sure no one is left uninformed. Print media will be easy to distribute to big and small groups within and outside the organization. Multimedia like TV will help engage large audiences, and easy to remember. Internet will be fast, simple, intended for those that are more technology savvy. The use of smart phones, text will help give rise to using social media as well for fast, and spreadable information. How Technology Differs from the Scenarios to Now The technology was used different in the scenarios due to the time and accessibility at the time as well as the difference in the type of scenario. For example in the case of Three Mile nuclear reactor television and local radio was the main way to disseminate the information because that was the most effective form at that time. Also the type of thread didn’t affect any infrastructure, which was the case in Hurricane Katrina. Since the infrastructure was affected, they used Television and radio outside the local area and instead they used more Internet and newer technology to reach a more people to get help from the outside in. The technology now compared with the one in 1979 with the Three mile nuclear reactor is definitely different and more effective, how ever between Katrina and now there is not as much difference other than a lot of more social media, blogging and Photo video are more common now then during that time. Media Opportunities As a director of the regional Management Office using the media will be beneficial. It will be important to keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of this source of communication because if it not used appropriately it can back fire in the progress and success of maintaining calm and correct consistent message. According to Stephenson, (1982) News media have a vested interest in catastrophes, therefore, The key is to make sure the organization come forth first with the right and credible information as well as provide people with information currently available and keep them updated to avoid the media to take over and creates chaos. Make sure to appoint a spokes person in behalf of the organization to give the updates to the media to make sure the correct information is passed to the public and other agencies. As an organization making sure the spokes person understands the importance of this role is key because critical decision will need to be made during this crisis period Hicks (2012). When a crisis arises people tend to feel a big sense of change and it can result in sense of temporary or permanent change that can cause panic and or denial, that is why is important to always have a plan when disasters or emergencies occur. During those challenging trying to come up with a solution right there in there can be challenging but if you have a plan to fall back on it can release some stress during a stressful situation. When unexpected happens you will never be one hundred percent prepared because two situations are not exactly the same but when you have some type of emergency plan in place as well as preparation your organization or family will be more equipped to face the challenges. When natural and man made disasters or emergencies occur like Hurricane Katrina and The Three mile nuclear reactor scenario is important have a plan and be able to keep as many people informed and safe. Thinking about the right strategies and the right use of communication channels as well as the partnership with other organization will help to the success and safety of the people. References Du Prà ©, A. (2005). Communicating About Health. Current Issues and Perspectives (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Shover, H. (2007). Understanding the chain of communication during a disaster. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 43(1), 4-14. Retrieved from Stephenson, D. R. (1982). How To Turn Pitfalls Into Opportunities In Crisis Situations. Public Relations Quarterly, 27(3), 11. Hicks, Nancy. j. (2012). Health Industry Communication: New Media, New Methods, New Message,. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede). Trinidad scores low in power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. There are equal rights for all. Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted. Relationships between managers and employees is informal and genera lly on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in power distance with a 40. The US also has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members† (Hofstede). It is whether an individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a collectivist society. Its members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. Relationships between employers and employees are seen in moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals. The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative. Hiring and promotions are merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in their field. A feminine culture has cares for others. The quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive. Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their successes and achievements. The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the future is not known. Different cultures deal with the anxiety that this can bring.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy. Their culture is very resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new ideas and technology. The culture does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue. A society with a high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede). It has a short-term point of view. Its people focus on tradition. American business measure their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals work for fast results.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conflicts in Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflicts in Organizations - Research Paper Example d structure is rigidly followed can create conflict when a given shareholder is required to discuss certain aspects of a project or a given task with individuals outside of their direct chain of command. Naturally, evidence of conflict can constitute itself in a vast array of different ways. Most notably, conflict can be visibly evidenced by verbal means or be the fact that formerly close colleagues and/or departments are not longer working together with a level of efficiency that was previously realized. However, more nuanced aspects of conflict can be evidenced by the fact that existing processes are not being followed and workflow is either not getting done at all or is being performed by alternative means. Although there are a number of visible means by which conflict can be evidenced on the surface, the sublevels of conflict can also rob an organization of its competitive advantage. Whereas visible conflict is usually easy to note, hidden conflict is much more difficult to find and determine the root cause of. Similarly, due to the fact that many shareholders are naturally reticent to be completely honest with management regarding the true source of the conflict, hidden conflict is one of the means by which an organization can secretly be drained of efficiency, potential, and talent (Mukhtar 44). Within a situation in which hidden conflict is evidenced, one of the most obvious means by which that this is evidenced is the fact that a greatly lower level of moral is seen among the shareholders. Although this is not always indicative of hidden conflict, it is a key indicator that can be utilized to call the leader’s attention to the fact that underlying levels of conflict may be robbing the organization of efficiency, satisfaction, and talent. More importantly than merely recognizing that conflict exists is of course the measures that can be taken to root it out and ensure that it does not further affect the determinants of the organization which have

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case study11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case study11 - Essay Example Audubon Park Zoo's promotions on support and awareness were directed by the Friends of the Zoo, Incorporated. Involved in the funding, operating and governing the zoo, it became the Audubon Institute taking the major share of the administrative functions in the zoo. The Audubon Zoo promotes membership to ensure cash flow. Membership fees significantly augment the income of the zoo along with the admissions and food and gift operations. The self-sustaining operations of the zoo can be linked to its good organizational structure and design. From having conditions in the early 1970's like "animal ghetto", "the New Orleans antiquarium" and "animal concentration camp", the Audubon Zoo had its share of improvement and development plans until its accreditation and was ranked as one of the top three zoos of its size in America. This organization underwent a series of metamorphosis due to lattice organization and core principles. The Audubon Zoo has a dominant horizontal organizational structure designed for learning in which there is shared tasks empowerment, relaxed hierarchy, few rules, face-to-face communication, many teams and task forces and decentralized decision-making. The Friends of the Zoo, Incorporated (FOTZ) turned Audubon Institute has its mission statement anchored on earth's life preservation through awareness and appreciation. Natural world's conservation and enrichment are also part of the mission. It was formed in 1974 for the purpose of increasing support and awareness of the Audubon Park Zoo. This simple task however logically changed as more needs arose due to the zoo's dramatic transformation. From just drawing interest and commitment from the public, the FOTZ were now involved in funding, operating and governing the zoo. At present, the Institute's goals gear toward conservation, education, research, economics and leadership. 1.1.2 Horizontal Information Linkages Horizontal information linkages refer to the amount of communication and coordination among an organization (Daft, 2004). The Audubon Park Zoo's organization as populated by FOTZ members, volunteers, zoo parents, city public, local enterprises, local television companies, city officials, neighborhood, etc. has highly encouraged communication and coordination everywhere in its organization. Such varied and loosely organized groups pose direct and indirect lines of communication between person to person and within and among groups. The advantage of the open lines of communication is improving the quality and efficiency of communication. 1.1.3 External Environment Environmental uncertainty increases

Writing a Marketing Strategic plan for the Light bulb Essay

Writing a Marketing Strategic plan for the Light bulb - Essay Example According to them these bulbs are capable to produce light which is equivalent to 40 watt incandescent bulbs. Even though this light is with lesser consumption of power, the led bulb manufacturing companies in North America are in a hurry to find solutions to reduce the heat emitting from every led bulbs during their lighting process. If such bulbs are made available in the market, their expected price will be nearly $60. But reputed bulb manufacturing firms have proposal to reduce the price of such bulbs and make them available at price $30 or $20 if their product gets movement in the market.( Alex, Wilson,May.2010) Apart from reducing the price of their products all reputed firms intention is to introduce sophisticated technologies in the manufacturing process and develop an image in the minds of consumers. The light business in North America is highly competitive. Hence the strategies should be in such a way to cope up with the prevailing competition in the global market. No business men can fool the customers for a fairly long time. Hence the products launching in the market must be able to secure confidence from the side of customers. The confidence of customers has some key roles regarding the good movement of the launching products. Hence, once they could gain confidence from the customers, they need not turn back afterwards. Thus the resources introducing must be able to develop confidence among the customers. Nowadays the customers have tendencies to go beyond products which are environmental friendly.( Alex, Wilson May.2010) Thus in the case of bulb business people prefer economic bulbs which can emit negligible quantity of heat. Certain other bulb contains mercury and during the lighting process of these bulbs mercury vapors will be spreading in the atmosphere. Since mercury v apors are toxic the customers will not welcome such bulbs since they are not environmental friendly. Hence

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Key trends in the financial services market Essay

Key trends in the financial services market - Essay Example The Harpenden Building society offers a range of financial services from primarily savings accounts and mortgages to business banking solutions.( Harpenden Building Society. 2010) This paper will examine a number of questions surrounding the performance of the Harpenden building society and some key trends in the banking and financial services market, as well as how the building society differs from traditional banks in the market, opportunities and threats facing the bank, a closer look at the success of the bank and how the society can succeed from a marketing standpoint. There are several key trends in the financial services market. One of the latest trends that is gripping the financial industry like a bruding storm is the level and impact of the global interest rate. ``As interest rates are expected to rise globally, albeit slowly, and current steep yield curves may soon flatten, such risks may materialise surrounding the performance   in the near future. At the same time, wea knesses in the banking sector still exist, especially for some segments of the European banking sector. While the effects of changes in interest rates and their structure on financial institutions differ, recent changes in asset and funding structures of banks make them generally more vulnerable to a changing interest rate environment. Currency risk exposure has also grown, and regional concentration may pose specific risks. An unravelling of carry trades will have a negative effect on some institutions.`` (OECD.2009)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Question Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Question - Research Paper Example Even though relationships between mothers and their children serve as a relevant source of support and protection even if they are not of the best quality, parents are not the only people who support children and help them deal with difficult life situations. Relationships between siblings and children are extremely important in the early childhood because children cannot take care after themselves and their parents ask siblings to help them by staying with the child for some short period of time. In the middle childhood siblings mediate conflicts in family relationships and become the source of protection for children. Gass, Jenkins and Dunn say that relationships between children and siblings become even more protective when there is a conflict in the marriage or parents make a decision to divorce. Overall, the article provides a deep insight into relationships between children and their relatives confirming the thesis that their relationships are of protective nature and they matt er a lot for creating supportive climate inside the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Acting as if you are hypnotized, Spanos, N.P. (1982) Essay

Acting as if you are hypnotized, Spanos, N.P. (1982) - Essay Example He believes that under hypnosis, a person is highly susceptible to suggestion, performs behaviors involuntarily, exhibits heightened recall of memories, has more vivid imagination, has the ability to dissociate consciousness of certain events from others and a lowered sensitivity to pain. Hypnosis makes one produce thoughts, ideas and behaviors which would not be usually exhibited had the person not been under that hypnotic state. Such a view has been subscribed to by a lot of people who put much faith on the hypnosis phenomenon. Of course, although many can attest to the existence of its evidence in their lives, it is still subject to scientific research to prove it. Without intending to dampen the strong advocacies of hypnosis believers, Nicholas Spanos has disputed this widely accepted view. He claims that hypnotized people are exhibiting behavior which is just like any social behavior, and negates the view that it is involuntary. Rather, consciously or not, it is strategic and goal-oriented. Such behavior is dramatic enough to produce a desired effect. In essence, he says that instead of an altered state of consciousness, hypnosis is a state of increased motivation. People under hypnosis are under the expectation that their behaviors will soon be involuntary as they relinquish control of them and agree to go under the hypnotic trance. However, Spanos argues that the behavior suggested by the person conducting the hypnosis is voluntary at first, and is eventually made to sound more involuntary. Since the hypnotized person is in an increased state of motivation, the suggestion is easily taken and what he hears as a command will seem to him as involuntary. Spanos explains that it is because the person enters the hypnosis with the intention to be controlled by the hypnotist’s suggestions. He also expects that the hypnosis has more power than his own will to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Politics and Society Essay Example for Free

Politics and Society Essay â€Å"There was an old bastard named Lenin Who did two or three million men in. Thats a lot to have done in But where he did one in That old bastard Stalin did ten in.† ― Robert Conquest[-0] According to the historian Robert Conquest, Joseph Stalin gives the impression of a large and crude claylike figure, a golem, into which a demonic spark has been instilled. He was nonetheless a man who perhaps more than any other determined the course of the twentieth century. Any adult inhabitant of this country, from a collective farmer up to a member of the Politburo, always knew that it would take only one careless word or gesture and he would fly off irrevocably into the abyss. (The Gulag Archipelago, vol. 2, p Fear by night, and a feverish effort by day to pretend enthusiasm for a system of lies, was the permanent condition. (Conquest, The Great Terror: A Reassessment, According to some reports, entire groups of men were taken in one swoop by the NKVD. Almost all the male inhabitants of the little Greek community where I lived [in the lower Ukraine] had been arrested, recalled one à ©migrà ©. Another reported that the NKVD took all males between the ages of seventeen and seventy from his village of German-Russians. In some stories, the police clearly knew they were arresting innocent people. For example, an order reportedly arrived in Tashkent to Send 200 [prisoners]! The local NKVD was at its wits end about who else to arrest, having exhausted all the obvious possibilities, until it learned that a band of gypsies (Romany) had just camped in town. Police surrounded them and charged every male from seventeen to sixty with sabotage. In the city of Zherinka, Ivan Ivanovich had his wife sew rubles [Soviet currency] into his coat because the NKVD was taking all the men in his town. (Thurston, Life and Terror in Stalins Russia, 1934-1941

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Three Supermarkets Namely Tesco Dunnes Store And Aldi Business Essay

Three Supermarkets Namely Tesco Dunnes Store And Aldi Business Essay Several decades ago, the manufacture industry occupied the most important status in the business world. Service industry merely existed as an accessorial industry for the manufacture industry. Product and service were recognised as two diverse aspects. In other words, product quality and service quality were two disparate measures of performance. Moreover, customer service was ignored for a long time and was identified in a very narrow meaning. Nevertheless, nowadays, according to the expanding and diversified economy international economy, customer service can be the critically crucial factor between an organisations success and failure. Most organisations are providing excellent and distinguished customer service in order to retain existing customers and attract more potential customers. Consequently, the organisation acquires the competitive edge among businesses in final. However, if the organisation handles customer service in a disastrous way it can damage the businesss operations. Customers in the current trends incessantly demand to improved levels of service. Therefore, the issue of customer service training, particularly in a retail environment has improved greatly over the past decades. Retail companies spend massive efforts, time, money and other resources into training programmes as a result of treating customer service as a key factor for companies. Although the importance of customer service quality is well-known, through the existing literature, there are relatively few studies which argue if customer service training impacts customer satisfaction in the supermarket industry. The purpose of this study intends to address the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer service training programmes. Intense competition and market saturation are forcing supermarkets to access new revenue streams worldwide. Supermarkets are expanding their array of products through mass customization, developing private label lines, embracing internet and home delivery services and increasing focus on customer loyalty programs (Agnese, 2003; Blisard et al. 2002). Market saturation, extreme competition and shifts in demographics teamed with the recent economic slump restrict players in the supermarket industry to limited external market growth. In an attempt to deal with diverse markets (the first major business issue), supermarket retailers are forced to customize various operating strategies expanding the array of services and products, increasing loyalty of profitable customers, generating profits through private labelling, and reaching customers through new delivery methods like internet shopping and home delivery. Supermarket retailers attempt the most effort to satisfy customer needs in orde r to maintain the existing customers and attract potential customers. Customer service and training can not be ignored by supermarkets. This research will investigate three supermarkets, namely, TESCO, Dunnes Store and ALDI. TESCO Tesco plc is a UK-based international grocery and general merchandising retail chain. It is the largest British retailer by both global sales and domestic market share, with profits exceeding  £3  billion. It is currently the third largest global retailer based on revenue, behind Wal-Mart and Frances Carrefour, but second largest based on profit, ahead of Carrefour. Dunnes Store The company, which is privately owned, is intensely proud of the fact that it is an Irish company. The guiding principles of the company are to provide its customers with a choice of good quality products at competitive prices. These principles are encapsulated in the words Better Value for which Dunnes Stores has become famous. 15,000 people operate throughout the Dunnes Stores Group within a vast array of different and diverse positions. ALDI ALDI, short for ALbrecht DIscount, is a discount supermarket chain based in Germany. They are still Germanys richest men, earning an estimated à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.5 billion per year. Cost-cutting strategies save Aldi money and the general price level in Aldi stores shows that most of these savings are passed directly on to consumers. Employees are expected to alternate between checking customers out and store maintenance, such that all employees focus on that during peak hours. Conversely when customer traffic is low, only one employee will check people out while the rest perform other duties required to run the store (pallet removal/insertion, cleaning etc). 1.2 Research Question Research question is foundation stone for the research. Bryman and Bell (2003) point out that formulation of the research questions are crucial because they will: guide your literature search; guide your decisions about the kind of research design to employ; guide your decisions about what data to collect and from whom; guide your analysis of your data guide your writing up of your data; stop you from going off in unnecessary directions. The researcher intent to answer the following research question: Does customer service training impact on customer satisfaction levels in the supermarket industry? In addition, the research question should always generate new insights into a subject matter. Based on the best of the researchers knowledge, no studies have been carried out on the relationship between customer service training and customer satisfaction in the supermarket industry. The findings of this research will be valuable information to those involved in the areas of customer satisfaction, customer service training and supermarket. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 overview of supermarket industry In recent years, the customer base in much of the world has been declining or stabilizing and market demographics have shifted considerably (Agnese, 2003). The rate of population growth has decreased across the board worldwide over the past 30 years. In low-income countries it declined from 2.0 percent in 2000 to 1.9 percent in 2003 then to 1.8 percent 2004 and finally 1.8 percent in 2005. In middle income countries population growth remained stable at 0.9 percent in 2000, 2003, 2004, and 2005. In high-income countries it declined from 0.8 percent in 2000 to 0.7 percent in 2003, 0.7 percent in 2004, and 0.7 percent in 2005 (World Development Indicators Database, April 2006,, Todays woman bears, on average, less than three children down from five in the 1960s (World Bank, 2003). This trend is expected to continue until at least 2010 (World Bank, 2003).The world economy is also struggling. Annual GDP has been stagnant the past five years in countries of all income le vels. During 2000-2005, annual GDP was between $0.85 and 1.4 trillion for low. The supermarket industry is well saturated as a result of urbanization and many existing supermarkets in residential neighborhoods. The industries within the USA, Canada, Europe and Japan are highly mature (Table I). Growth opportunities, which traditionally came from opening new stores, are now found mainly in same store growth, complimentary markets and acquisitions. Saturation has given rise to intense competition and required many grocers to address new types of competitive threats (restaurants, home shopping delivery, etc.) and rethink their traditional business model (Stadler, 2002). 2.2. Overview of Customer Satisfaction 2.2.1 Signification of Customer Satisfaction The service sector has developed considerably during the past 20 years, so far, it occupies close to three-quarters of GDP, three-quarters of employment. It leads to increase competition and customer demand for higher quality service and products have forced organisations to both examine the levels of service they presently provide and increase the quality of service provided to customers. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors of customer service. Satisfied customers who stay with a company for a long period tend to impact the profitability of the company in several ways. First, their repeat business generates income for the company. Second, because of the expenditure involved in advertising, promotion, and start-up activities, acquiring new customers can cost much more than retaining existing ones. Third, loyal (and satisfied) customers often spread the good news and recommend the services to several others (Anderson and Sullivan, 1990; Reicheld and Sasser, 1990; Zeithaml et al., 1996). High customer satisfaction has many benefits for the company, such as increased consumer loyalty, enhanced firm reputation, reduced price elasticises, lower costs of future transactions, and higher employee efficiency (Anderson et al., 1994; Fornell, 1992; Swanson and Kelley, 2001). On the other hand, dissatisfied customers may take their businesses elsewhere and disparage the firm. The success of Aldi and Lidl, both German-owned, coincided with the recession that put a squeeze on household budgets. The stores adopt a pile it high, sell it cheap philosophy, and high customer Satisfaction while the number of staff per store is a fraction of mainstream operators. They both charge for plastic bags, and do not tend to offer big brands. The success of some budget supermarkets in our survey proves that savvy shoppers can make the most of their money without compromising on quality. (chief executive Peter Vicary-Smith)UK shoppers want the whole package great value for money, a wide range of quality products and a pleasant shopping environment. Its not rocket science, but those supermarkets that consistently get it wrong should beware shoppers will vote with their feet and take their business elsewhere. 2.2.2 Customer Satisfaction Theories In the past several decades, many definitions of customer satisfaction had been defined already. Customer satisfaction generally means customer reaction to the state of fulfilment, and customer judgment of the fulfilled state (Oliver, 1997). Brown (1992) defined customer satisfaction as: the state in which customer needs, wants and expectations throughout the product or services life are net or exceeded resulting in repeat purchase, loyalty and favourable worth-of mouth. Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations (Kotler, 1997). And, Bitner and Zeithaml (2003) pointed out satisfaction as follows: The customers evaluation of a product or service in terms of whether that product or service has met their needs and expectations. Finally, throughout the literature researched, Kotler and Armstrong (2006) deem that customer satisfaction is an emotional attitude generated towards a product, resulting from the comparison of what was expected and what was received. Customers compare their expectations of a product or service with their perceptions of what they received. If perceptions meet or exceed expectations, the customer is generally satisfied. However, if expectations are not met, the customer is generally unsatisfied with the service. 2.2.3 Customer Satisfaction Model The customer satisfaction model from Kano (1984) is a quality management and marketing technique that can be used for measuring client happiness. Kanos model of customer satisfaction distinguishes six categories of quality attributes, from which the first three actually influence customer satisfaction (See Appendix 1): Basic Factors. (Dissatisfiers. Must have.) -The minimum requirements which will cause dissatisfaction if they are not fulfilled but do not cause customer satisfaction if they are fulfilled (or are exceeded). The customer regards these as prerequisites and takes these for granted. Basic factors establish a market entry threshold. Excitement Factors. (Satisfiers. Attractive.) The factors that increase customer satisfaction if delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction if they are not delivered. These factors surprise the customer and generate delight. Performance Factors. The factors that cause satisfaction if the performance is high and they cause dissatisfaction if the performance is low. Here, the attribute performance-overall satisfaction is linear and symmetric. Typically these factors are directly connected to customers explicit needs and desires and a company should try to be competitive here. The price for which customer is willing to pay for a product is closely tied to performance attributes. The additional three attributes which Kano (1984) mentions are: Indifferent attributes. The customer does not care about this feature. Questionable attributes. It is unclear whether this attribute is expected by the customer. Reverse attributes. The reverse of this product feature was expected by the customer. These last three attributes are often of little or no consequence to the customer, and do not factor into consumer decisions. An example of this type of attribute is a plate listing part numbers can be found under the hood on many vehicles for use by repairpersons. 2.2.4 Factors that influence customer satisfaction According to Wong and Sohal (2003), the greater the degree to which a consumer experiences satisfaction with a retailer, the greater the probability the consumer will revisit the retailer. In order to acquire a good understanding of customer satisfaction and distinguish which features compose successful customer satisfaction in the retail environment, the researcher has identified the following findings. Customer aspect Customer satisfaction is strongly influenced by customer characteristics such as variety seeking, age and income. Demographics variables such as education and age have also been found to be good predictors of the level of customer satisfaction (Homburg and Giering, 2001). Satisfied customers tend to use a service more often than those not satisfied (Bolton and Lemon, 1999), they present stronger repurchase intentions, and they recommend the service to their acquaintances (Zeithaml et al, 1996). It has been suggested that satisfaction has a direct effect on repurchase intentions (Reichled and Teal, 1996). Employee aspect Personnel affect the satisfaction level of the occasional, probably due to the aid they require from supermarket staff as they do not know the store layout and/or facilities. Wang and Netemeyer (2004) pointed out that employees competence and abilities are not the only important factors, but also the employees friendliness and general presentation play a particularly central role. Especially against a background of strong price orientation by some retailers and the increasing homogeneity of products and assortments, service quality is a very promising means of creating a distinctive retailer brand, not only for specialty retailers. Service quality aspect In todays world of intense competition, the key to sustainable competitive advantage lies in delivering high quality service that will in turn result in satisfied customers. Quality is one dimension on which satisfaction is based ¼Ã…’one group of researchers upholds that satisfaction is antecedent to service quality. Another group of researchers who believe that service quality is antecedent to satisfaction argue that since service quality is a cognitive evaluation, a positive service quality perception can lead to satisfaction, which may in turn lead to favourable behavioural intentions (Brady and Robertson, 2001). A third perspective maintains that there is a non-recursive relationship between service quality and satisfaction (Taylor and Cronin, 1994). For the service industry in general, the authors divided service quality into two categories: technical quality, primarily focused on what consumers actually receive from the service department, and functional quality, focusing on the process of rendering service. Emotions aspect Liljander and Strandvil (1997) observed that affective reports are more highly predictive in consumer situations involving services than those involving physical products. Darden and Babin (1994), for example, discuss the importance of emotions in retailing, and point out the need to include affective factors when studying store image and purchase behaviour. They contend that, in order to account fully for a stores retail personality, both its functional and emotional meaning should be assessed. Both factors influence the customers perceived store image and his/her purchase behaviour. In a small empirical study, the authors found evidence of the usefulness of affective quality (items taken from Russell and Pratt, 1980) as a means of explaining consumers mental representations of retail stores. Store aspect Whites (1996) meta-analysis of manufacturing performance defines a set of variables that influence customer satisfaction including quality, delivery speed, delivery dependability, cost, flexibility, and innovation. Gagliano and Hathcote (1994) divide service in retailing into store service (e.g. returns/exchanges, after sales service) and sales service (helpfulness, friendliness, employees competence). Darian et al. (2005) state that a retailer should avoid poor service levels for any service activity. Furthermore, one also had to bear in mind that customers develop specific preferences for specific brands. Regardless whether such preferences are habitual or demonstrate loyalty to the brand (Gounaris and Stahakopoulos, 2004), weaken the consumers actual involvement with the stores atmosphere and aesthetics since they enter the supermarket with a predetermined choice plan. 2.2.5 Argument for customer satisfaction Roger and Rolf (2002) suggest that customer satisfaction with service industry probably decrease its significance through the developed world because most people do not care it any more. In other words, the trouble is, it may be dead but it will not lie down. In Roger and Rolf (2002) view, line managers primarily struggle to meet their financial targets since this is what most of them believe dictates their bonuses and future promotion and their ability to move to other jobs. Further, for such managers, customers are potential assets that need to be managed and leveraged. So, customer relationship management is key, not customer satisfaction (Srivastava et al., 1998). Customer satisfaction is losing its status even for marketers. It is not helping them in achieving this aim such as understanding their marketplace so that they can continually present key customers with better value offerings than the competition. There are three main reasons to cause it. Firstly, it is very difficult to measure; secondly, even when measured, it often has little relation to actual purchase behaviour; thirdly, new technology is opening up both the actual purchasing activities and the possible reasons behind them. 2.3 Overview of Training 2.3.1 Signification of Training Every organisations desire to complete their goals and to survive in an increasingly competitive world must utilise effectively and efficiently its most valuable asset- the skills of its employees. According to Ferketish and Hayden (1992), the human resource development (HRD) challenge for the next decade will be to assure a continuous improvement culture by keeping the system aligned with continuous improvement strategies. Bramley (2003) argues that training implies learning to do something and, when it is successful, it results in things being done differently. The author believes that training should be a planned process rather than an accidental one. To be more specific, Barlow and Mail (2000) suggest that receiving service is both a personal and psychological experience. There is a psychological and physical closeness between employees and customers in the service encounter, effective training done not only make supermarket sales process more efficient, also provide satisfaction to customer, which helps retain their loyalty to companys brand, or become an opinion leader to spread in other consumers about supermarkets reputation. In addition, there is no quality control in the customer contact; service providers work alone and without supervision, fail to train service providers may lead to the consequence that dissatisfied customers may take their business elsewhere and disparage the firm. 2.3.2 Customer Service Training The definition of training, Heery and Noon (2001) introduce the concept of competence, explaining that training is the process of changing the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of employees with the purpose of achieving or improving their levels of competence. In other words, training is that through a designed process, management is able to change, improve employees working skill, attitude, and knowledge to suit their current position or fit higher level organisational hierarchy in thecontext of career development. Refer to the retailing industry, customer service training can be seen as a grass roots program, which provides employees the knowledge and skill of serving customers. There is no surprise that Customer service training is considered as one of the most vital factors to improve the level of employees capability when dealing with customers in retailing industry by market researchers and organisation management. The very common customer training is all the activities performed to support the customer during the supplier-customer exchange, including all presale, sale, and post-sale activities (Markland, Vickery, and Davis, 1995), in order to maximize customer satisfaction. High level of customer satisfaction makes customers more dependable on retailers or suppliers, as a result, organisations build strong relationship with their customers, strength customer loyalty, which Innis and La Londe (1994) suggest that can be considered as a effective competitive advantage over rival firms. Todays business world, skilled labour is seen as one of the most valuable assets, human resource managers have to effectively utilise training programme, where can be crucia l to companys success. For instance, all new employees at Disneyland and Walt Disney World must attend Disney University, where they undergo a special training program for Disney employees. However, many companies do not always support training programmes. They may be indirectly unsupportive of training programmes by not covering for that employee while they are off-the-job on a training programme. Inappropriate training programme is another issue, especially under global financial crisis, most companies are suffering from difficulties, the situation requires firms consider cost more carefully. Formal training course is usually a big expense which management willing to cut. Furthermore, the management may concentrate on areas of training which increase productivity or efficiency, but not customer service. Moreover, the customer service programmes may emphasise areas which customers do not consider important. For example, the training may focus on how to smile, how to respond to a certain situation, rather than providing service providers with skills to enable them to foresee customer needs and wants and to be able to respond in a very personal and customised manner to t hat customer needs or wants (Coulter et al., 1989) 2.3.3 Training Process Reid and Barrington (2000) use the Training and Development National Standards to design the training process. The purpose of the standards is stated as being to develop human potential to assist organisations and individuals to achieve their objective. The following is the comprehensive lists that break down the training process into its main functional areas and sub-areas. Identify training and development needs Identify organisational training and development requirements Identify learning requirements of individuals Plan and design training and development Design training and development strategies for organisations Design training and development programmes Design and produce learning materials Deliver training and development Manage the implementation of training and development Facilitate learning with individuals and groups Review progress and assess achievement Monitor and review progress Assess individual achievement Assess individual achievement of competence Continuously improve the effectiveness of training and development Evaluate the effectiveness of training and development within an organisation Evaluate the effectiveness of training and development programmes Improve own training and development practice Contribute to advances and developments 2.3.4 Customer Service Training Dimensions Based on theory of Lin and Darling (1997), the customer service training process should be learned as a multidimensional issue. They segment the training process by three dimensions: 1. an analytical dimension of tasks, technique, procedure and system. 2. a behavioural dimension, concerned with attitudes, perceptions, and motivation. 3. and an organisational learning dimension, concerned with management style, corporate culture, structure and information flows. The first dimension, analytical dimension is the most widely recognised, it means that management breaks down service tasks into several trainable steps. Typical topics include such major headings as the customer and market knowledge, and knowledge of the selling process (Anderson, Hair and Bush, 1992; Ingram 1992). The training may include high service element is often made more effective by including words, photographs, drawings, video tapes, computer-based training. The purples of the analytical dimension are to concentrate the relationship between service providers and customers, based on the analytical results of service input and output. Moreover, quality and technical issues are also the concerns of management in analytical dimension. Above individual employees level is the organisational behaviour training, which is not any written rules or skill or knowledge that can be learned by any course, but the way of doing daily business of certain organisations. Positive and effective organisation behaviour is a valuable advantage for retailing business, which can strongly support on job training new employees and improve levels of customer service. Therefore, the third dimension also known as organisational learning was introduced by Nevis et al. (1995) it defines as the capacity or processes within an organisation to maintain or improve performance based on experience. According to information processing perspective (Garvin, 1993), organisational learning encompasses the acquisition, dissemination, interpretation, and storage of information that results in the modification of the potential range of behaviours to reflect new knowledge and insights organisations that are responsive to customers needs engage in organisati onal learning in a customer information context (Day, 1991). Moreover, Training should lead not only to the improvement of skills but also to change in the ways employees think and view their jobs and the company. 2.3.5 Customer Service Training Barriers Binshan and John (1997) point out three ancillary issues add complexity to training program implementation. These implementation issues involve operational barriers, managerial barriers, and cultural/structural barriers. The operational barriers focus on training technique and the roles of training officers. The training officers can play either the provider role or the change agent role. The provider has a generally accepted, although limited, role in offering training expertise geared toward the maintenance and development of organisational performance, but it does not extend to organisational change. On the other hand, the change agent is the classic organisation development consultant and performs a role that is the antithesis of the provider role. As the title implies, the change agent views the customer service function as giving rise to organisational problems and is concerned with helping others to resolve these problems through changing the organisational culture. Thus, the message of the change agent is always clear: Change is good, change is essential, and change is here to stay. 2.36 Efficient consumer response (ECR) and logistics systems structure Supermarket chains are dealing with their unique positions by implementing a common strategy: ECR (Kurt Salmon Associates, 1993). This strategy is becoming central to shaping logistical trends within the supermarket industry (the third major business issue). ECR focuses on the customer as the driving force of the system. It involves evaluating inefficiencies throughout the entire supply chain to create improvements on every level. ECR was started in the USA in 1992 in response to low growth, high competition, and consumer pressure. The movement spread to Europe in 1994, Asia in 1996, Latin America in 1998 and is now starting in India. The system requires cooperation and information sharing between members of the supply chain, and more commonly involves cooperation between previously unrelated suppliers. In many cases, ECR strategies now include competitors. Although suppliers do not always agree, efforts pay off for all parties (Corsten and Kumar, 2003). Grocery stores in the USA los e $6 billion in sales per year, $200,000 per average supermarket, due to out-of-stock products in the top 25 grocery categories (Stadler, 2002). Approximately,  £2.5 billion a year in the UK is lost because a product is not on the shelf when a customer is looking to buy it (Rowat, 2006). When products are on the shelves, customers get better service, supermarkets increase profitability and sales and suppliers reduce transportation costs and increase sales. Although born in the USA, the ECR movement in Europe gained momentum to allow the European chains to quickly outperform their US counterparts, primarily due to the lack of space, issues related to dealing closely with 14 countries and transportation costs. American chains often have warehouses that rival the shop floor in square footage. This space provides plenty of room for safety stock. European supermarkets often lack back rooms, requiring that inventory systems be extremely efficient and accurate to avoid stock-outs without requiring any extra inventory. The same factors allow the US to achieve profitability with an average of $510,000 in sales and 40,000-50,000 SKUs per store, while European supermarkets must have higher sales with only 20,000-35,000 SKUs (Fallon, 1998). In 2005, it was reported that grocery retailers in the UK were now keeping an average of 11.3 days worth of stock compared with 12.8 days in 2003 (Food Manufacture, 2004). 2.4 The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Training Because of customers are vital to business growth and success, so customer service, especially satisfying customer is the key to achieve the business growth and success. How to train staffs to satisfy customers that is big challenge need to face by organisation. The important factor is the measurement of customer satisfaction as fourth factor. As before mentioned, the lack of market research identified in the Irish survey, few managers represent dissatisfaction with the results of market research but an even greater number did not attempt to carry it out. To respond complaint from customer that is a method to access customer needs and wants. However, this may be a motivating

Friday, September 20, 2019

Basic Concept of Organizational Behavior Essay -- Fundamentals of Organ

Perhaps the single most important technique for motivating the people you supervise is to treat them the same way you wish to be treated: as responsible professionals. It sounds simple; just strike the right balance of respect, dignity, fairness, incentive, and guidance, and you will create a motivated, productive, satisfying, and secure work environment. Unfortunately, as soon as the complexities of our evolving workforce mix with human relationships, even the best-intentioned supervisors can find the management side of their jobs deteriorating into chaos. Theories As corporations strive to boost earnings in an increasingly competitive environment, they inevitably turn their attention to the issue of employee productivity and motivation. When employees are unsatisfied with their current work situation, productivity decreases, tension builds in the workplace, and morale becomes very low. Companies have known historically that morale affects productivity, yet management has struggled to come to terms with the factors that can create positive morale and an environment that attracts and retains workers and encourages them to produce. For this reason, many companies look for training and practices that aim to achieve a higher level of employee motivation. Maslow ¡Ã‚ ¦s & Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s For many years various motivation theories have made assumptions and offered explanations regarding human nature. However, no single motivation theory has proven to be the end all - be all - of motivation. In order to understand the various underlying themes related to motivation the following three theories have been identified - content, process and reinforcement. Content theories are primarily concerned with what arouses behavior or particular attributes that motivate individuals. The most prominent content theory of motivation is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s Motivational-Hygiene Theory. Maslow offered that human beings have their needs arranged in a hierarchy such that they are motivated to seek satisfaction of the lower levels of need first. Once that level of need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator, and the person is motivated by the next level up the hierarchy. From a managerial perspective money, status, achievement, working conditions, friendly supervisors and co-workers can satisfy these individual needs. Herzberg used this theory as... ...t's your department; the buck stops with you. Your team respects your integrity and trusts you to lead. You become a champion, not an oppressor. Share the Spotlight: The flip side of accepting responsibility for everything that goes wrong is giving subordinates just credit for everything that goes right. Never take credit for a subordinate's work, and mention names at every possible opportunity. Don't be afraid that this approach endangers your own career. You were made a supervisor because others in authority recognized your capabilities. The test of your value as a supervisor is your ability to create a productive, efficient team. Show management that working for you is the best thing that ever happened to your staff by drawing attention to each subordinate's excellent performance. If your team is performing at a high level, you won't need to blow your own horn - your value will be obvious. Conclusion The face of business is evolving at a mind blowing pace. As the economy fluctuates and organizations seek ways to beat the competition and be profitable, nothing remains more important to this goal than keeping the employees and management motivated in the modern workforce. Basic Concept of Organizational Behavior Essay -- Fundamentals of Organ Perhaps the single most important technique for motivating the people you supervise is to treat them the same way you wish to be treated: as responsible professionals. It sounds simple; just strike the right balance of respect, dignity, fairness, incentive, and guidance, and you will create a motivated, productive, satisfying, and secure work environment. Unfortunately, as soon as the complexities of our evolving workforce mix with human relationships, even the best-intentioned supervisors can find the management side of their jobs deteriorating into chaos. Theories As corporations strive to boost earnings in an increasingly competitive environment, they inevitably turn their attention to the issue of employee productivity and motivation. When employees are unsatisfied with their current work situation, productivity decreases, tension builds in the workplace, and morale becomes very low. Companies have known historically that morale affects productivity, yet management has struggled to come to terms with the factors that can create positive morale and an environment that attracts and retains workers and encourages them to produce. For this reason, many companies look for training and practices that aim to achieve a higher level of employee motivation. Maslow ¡Ã‚ ¦s & Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s For many years various motivation theories have made assumptions and offered explanations regarding human nature. However, no single motivation theory has proven to be the end all - be all - of motivation. In order to understand the various underlying themes related to motivation the following three theories have been identified - content, process and reinforcement. Content theories are primarily concerned with what arouses behavior or particular attributes that motivate individuals. The most prominent content theory of motivation is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s Motivational-Hygiene Theory. Maslow offered that human beings have their needs arranged in a hierarchy such that they are motivated to seek satisfaction of the lower levels of need first. Once that level of need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator, and the person is motivated by the next level up the hierarchy. From a managerial perspective money, status, achievement, working conditions, friendly supervisors and co-workers can satisfy these individual needs. Herzberg used this theory as... ...t's your department; the buck stops with you. Your team respects your integrity and trusts you to lead. You become a champion, not an oppressor. Share the Spotlight: The flip side of accepting responsibility for everything that goes wrong is giving subordinates just credit for everything that goes right. Never take credit for a subordinate's work, and mention names at every possible opportunity. Don't be afraid that this approach endangers your own career. You were made a supervisor because others in authority recognized your capabilities. The test of your value as a supervisor is your ability to create a productive, efficient team. Show management that working for you is the best thing that ever happened to your staff by drawing attention to each subordinate's excellent performance. If your team is performing at a high level, you won't need to blow your own horn - your value will be obvious. Conclusion The face of business is evolving at a mind blowing pace. As the economy fluctuates and organizations seek ways to beat the competition and be profitable, nothing remains more important to this goal than keeping the employees and management motivated in the modern workforce.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Interviewing for a job can be a stressful situation on many levels. Because Successful interviewers conduct interviews to find the right applicant to fill a particular job vacancy. interviewers play the key role in determining whether the company and candidate will make an effective match. It is the candidates objective to convince them that he or she is the right person for the job. However, whether your interviewing for a summer job, a part time job, or a job with room to move up, it is important to make a good impression in order to land it. These few tips will help you make a great first impression, and hopefully end your job search at the same time. The First step in successfully surviving a job interview would be preparation. Preparing yourself is the key to confidence. Be prepared for your interview. Before your interview, you should have a clear idea about what role they would expect you to work in,Start by learning what the company does, sells, offers and how the company operates, the size of the company/business, and the kind of work or clients they have. Know what duties you will be expected to handle. The more you know and understand the better prepared you will be. Another preparation would be having a resume. The purpose of your resume is to make a good first impression, a resume is a Summary of your Qualifications and skills It is always professional to bring a resume with you. Bringing a resume tells an employer that you are prepared and know how to present yourself effectively. Next, is Making an Impression. Usually, during a job interview, someone can make an evaluation of you within approximately 30 seconds of meeting you. Since there’s no rewind button to undo a false start don’t blow the opportunity to cem... ...ant is suitable for a position of employment. potential employees are evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company. a job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. But is your opportunity to make an outstanding impression on the employer and not only prove your passion for the job Take some time to evaluate the impression that you are imprinting upon the new people that you meet. Be yourself when being analyzed on your first impression although, a person is judged automatically. being on time, respectful and courteous are wonderful skills walking into an interview. Follow these steps, you’ll notice a significant improvement in how well you perform in an interview your confidence will rise and you will know what you want and are ready to give to the employer. successfully mastering the interview.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Attenuation Effects on Data Transmitted through Cable :: essays research papers

Attenuation Effects on Data Transmitted through Cable Abstract Attenuation refers to any reduction in the strength of a signal. Attenuation occurs with digital or analog signals. Attenuation is the end result of signals being transmitted extended distances. Attenuation is usually expressed in units called decibels (dBs). The cable type will determine at what point along the length of the cable signal degradation occurs. Repeaters can be inserted along the length of the cable to boost the signal strength which increases the maximum attainable range of data transmitted though the cable. Attenuation Effects on Data Transmitted through Cable The majority of attenuation in Coax cable comes from resistive losses in the cable's metallic conductors. Temperature also has effects the resistivity of the conducting surface. Resistivity is a "bulk property of material describing how well that material inhibits current flow. This is slightly different from resistance, which is not a physical property. If one considers current flowing through a unit cube of material (say, a solid metal cube that measures 1 meter on each side), resistivity is defined as the voltage measured across the unit cube length (V/m) divided by the current flowing through the unit cube's cross sectional area (I/m2). This results in units of Ohm m2/m or Ohm-m." [University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility] Temperature affects the movement of electrons in the material. When a signal voltage is passed through a wire the electrons collides with the atoms in the material. If more atoms are allowed collide with electrons, the greater the frictional resistance, which affects the cable ability to conduct (allow data to pass through the cable). Temperature causes the atoms with in the material to move. Increasing the temperature causes the atoms to â€Å"jiggle† which causes frequent collations with electrons. The opposite is true when the temperature is lowered. Attenuation is a function of the frequency of the signal, and the length and physical structure of the cable itself. Specifically, it depends on: †¢ The diameter of the inner conductor: as the diameter of the conductor increases, attenuation decreases. †¢ The composition of the outer conductor: the more effective the screening action, the lower the attenuation. †¢ The nature of the dielectric: the lower its constant dielectric, the lower the attenuation. Therefore, an expanded dielectric supplies, at any given diameter, values of attenuation lower than a solid dielectric. Since the type of cable, the temperature, and the rate at which data is being passed through the cables are constant, the length of the cable is the only factor that affects the attenuation in the two cables.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Influence of video games on youth Essay

What is not normally thought about when buying a new game console or game is: Do video games influence a child’s psychological development and make them more aggressive and violent? Do video games affect a child’s grades? These will be some of the topics we will be discussing. Some parents have the concern that video games, among other outlets, affect their children and cause them to be more aggressive and violent with other children their age and elders, also. Parents have the right to limit the time spent playing video games and partaking in the other outlets available such as media. According to Anderson and Gentile, [Parents have an important role to play. Psychologists have found that when parents limit the amount of time as well as the types of games their children play, children are less likely to show aggressive behaviors (Anderson et al. , under review; Gentile et al. , 2004). Other research suggests that active parental involvement in children’s media usage-including discussing the inappropriateness of violent solutions to real life conflicts, reducing time spent on violent media, and generating alternative nonviolent solutions to problems-all can reduce the impact of media violence on children and youth (Anderson et al. , 2003). ] On the contrary, as according to Anderson and Gentile, [Dr. Anderson and colleagues have shown that playing a lot of violent video games is related to having more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Furthermore, playing violent games is also related to children being less willing to be caring and helpful towards their peers. Importantly, research has shown that these effects happen just as much for non-aggressive children as they do for children who already have aggressive tendencies. ] Some studies have been done about the habits of children. Some of the studies showed that although children love to play video games alone, they prefer to play them more within groups. Parents, as well as teachers, have found that with some games, where reading, doing mathematical problems, and following instructions are needed, that their children’s grades have improved. The BBC (2002) stated, â€Å"Computer games could become part of the school curriculum after researchers found they had significant educational value. The UK study concluded that simulation and adventure games – such as Sim City and RollerCoaster Tycoon, where players create societies or build theme parks, developed children’s strategic thinking and planning skills. Parents and teachers also thought their children’s mathematics, reading and spelling improved. The investigation into the habits of 700 children aged seven to 16 also found that, far from being a solitary activity, children preferred to play games in pairs or small groups. † (para. 1-4) Video games can help develop the brain’s response time when the games used are dealing with with variables, teaching a specific skill or problem solving. Games have been used by several websites by politicians teaching politics and by the Nobel Prize Foundation to teach history. The Wikipedia () stated, â€Å"Video games can aid the development of proficiency by allowing users to interact with objects and manipulate variables. They are said to be particularly effective when designed to address a specific problem or teach a certain skill in curriculum subjects, where specific objectives can be stated and when deployed selectively within a context relevant to the learning activity and goal. Simple types of games can be designed to address specific learning outcomes such as recall of factual content. For instance, the Nobel Prize Foundation website uses on-line games to aid children in understanding the discoveries made by its laureates by embedding the scientific knowledge as part of the game environment. Video games have historically received more criticism than other forms of recreational learning because they are often perceived as or associated with issues such as mindless entertainment, enhanced social recluse, sexism and consumerism. However, a shift from pure entertainment to educational tool has emerged in recent times. Children growing up today can benefit from educational video games because they are already exposed to a society that is increasingly dependent on digital technology. The medium of educational games provides an opportunity for teachers to introduce educational and playful elements into the learning environment. With computer-aided learning programs, teachers may assist students on social aspects such as critical learning, knowledge based communication and effective interpersonal skills that traditional methods of teaching cannot offer. † (para. 2, 5-6). Many people are under the conclusion that by letting children play video games, they will spend less time outside. Even though children play video games, most children still partake in old fashion activities such as soccer, baseball, and many others. Most children still prefer to play in groups than to play alone. According to Cauchon (), [The fundamental nature of American childhood has changed in a single generation. The unstructured outdoor childhood – days of pick-up baseball games, treehouses and â€Å"be home for dinner† – has all but vanished. Today, childhood is spent mostly indoors, watching television, playing video games and working the Internet. When children do go outside, it tends to be for scheduled events – soccer camp or a fishing derby – held under the watch of adults. In a typical week, 27% of kids ages 9 to 13 play organized baseball, but only 6% play on their own, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. ] On the contrary, according to Anderson and Gentile, [Drs. Anderson and Gentile’s research shows that children are spending increasing amounts of time playing video games – 13 hours per week for boys, on average, and 5 hours per week for girls (Anderson, Gentile, & Buckley, under review; Gentile, Lynch, Linder, & Walsh, 2004). ] In conclusion to all of the information above, we have concluded that video games are not the only effect on children that could cause them to be violent or aggressive in their childhood and when they are older. Children learn from the programs they see on TV, Music Videos, Video Games, and especially from what they see going on in their home. It is unfair for us to exclusively blame the video game creators and the stores that sell the products for the aggressiveness in children. Parents should also be held accountable, especially if they are the ones buying the games for their children. We both came to this agreement, thanks to the information we have gathered in reference to our topic of the influence of video games on the youth. It is irrelevant to believe that video games are a main factor or the most important factor of a negative development in children. References Pros: BBC. (2002). Video Games Stimulate Learning. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/education/1879019. stm Cauchon Dennis, (2006). Kids are Living Under House Arrest. White Dot. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from http://www. whitedot. org/issue/iss_story. asp? slug=sedentary%20kids Wikipedia. (). Video Games. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from http://en. Cons: Anderson, Craig A. , Gentile, Douglas A. , & Buckley, Katherine E. (2007). Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents. Oxford, Connecticut. Cauchon Dennis, (2006). Kids are Living Under House Arrest. White Dot. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from http://www. whitedot. org/issue/iss_story. asp? slug=sedentary%20kids Kent Steven, (2006). Anti-video Games to Me Misses Its Target Widely. Tegenwicht. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from http://www. tegenwicht. org/03_littleton/anti_video_games. htm.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Classical Art Remakes Preserve Cultural Heritage for Future Generations Essay

I. Introduction Hook: New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Thesis: I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. II. Body A. Topic sentence: First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † 1. â€Å"Translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. 2. Newer version or interpretation 3. Not a parody B. Topic sentence: Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. 1. Bottomless meaning 2. The remake is a lifebuoy 3. New life to long-forgotten artwork C. Topic sentence: Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. 1. A sign of ultimate fame of the original art 2. Highest prevalence 3. â€Å"Absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"confrontations. † III. Conclusion New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Classical art is a moral category, which is carrying the â€Å"eternal† content. Unfortunately, the classics, such us literature, cinematography or painting, is losing its relevance under the influence of time. Only remakes of classic art-works are evidence of their immortality. Someone thinks that remake is just another way to extract money, for example, from viewers, which wanted to see their favorite movie in the new interpretation. However, I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † Definition of the remake is quite simple: it is â€Å"translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. In other words, the remake – it is a newer version or interpretation of previously published work. It is not a parody and does not quote a source, moreover remake fills classics with new and relevant content, but â€Å"with caution† on the sample. The author of remake does not look like parodist; he is not looking for â€Å"weak spots† of classical artwork to expose their murderous ridicule. On the contrary, remaker finely and carefully refers to the words, of which was woven the old fabric of the novel. Remeyker reflects on every character, every plot turn, stares at the familiar line, Remaker may be repeated passages of the original plot, types of characters, but he or she depicts them in a new historical, social and political conditions. Remakes chosen as the new heroes, the new women, centerfold, mental retardation, AIDS, drug users, and hackers. All of these characters for the most part – people are good, spiritually rich, suffer reflection, ready to sacrifice, etc. Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. Classical art is full of bottomless meaning, useful for our youth, but it is very difficult to reach them through stall of misunderstanding, because of the difference between modernity and the past. I take the example of classical literature remake to verify it. If the young book reader is looking for models for answers to the vexed questions – Who I am? How to survive in the world? – it is unlikely that the classic book will not be able to help him, because it is written in inaccessible and incomprehensible to him language. The reader is looking for the book, which speaks directly, without allegory. In this cause, the modern detective story-remake about official corruption and criminal fraud will touch the reader more alive than the â€Å"Dead Souls,† written about the same thing, but on the â€Å"outdated† language. Consequently, due to a remake, the classics artwork remains indestructible. The remake is a lifebuoy, which was thrown to drowning classical art. For example, a reader would pick up the new-â€Å"Idiot,† a colorful mix of photo models, expensive cars, luxury suites, black criminals would fascinate him. The reader had read to the end of the novel, and it was not about our time, it still would be Dostoevsky’s immortal creation. Due to remake, the reader was acquainted with the great writer Dostoevsky. If it was not interesting remake, adapted for modern times, I do not think that the idea of reading Dostoevsky’s books came to the modern reader’s head, because it seemed to him too boring. Another example to proof that remakes give new life to long-forgotten artwork. There was very popular film of Vera Storozheva â€Å"Heaven. Aircraft. Girl. † This picture is a remake of the Soviet film â€Å"Once again about love. † The younger generation is unlikely to have seen the original, but the storyline and drama, as reflected in the film, which starred Renata Litvinova, many have seen. Therefore, a remake – it is â€Å"second youth† of the old classics. Perhaps remakes creating of the same classical can be every ten years. For the reason that, â€Å"terminology† is aging faster than the artwork is goes around the world, and it proves that remakes preserve the art and sneaked it through the years, but the remakers had to modify the original. Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. The  remake, it’s a sign of ultimate fame of the original art, its highest prevalence in the general cultural refinement of the horizon of the nation – even as a folded â€Å"label†, the most general idea of the plot. I do not think that â€Å"Anna Karenina† – Tolstoy’s novel – was reading by millions, but millions know that the heroine of this novel, committed suicide under the wheels of a train because of unrequited love. According to the article â€Å"Remakes or expansion of the classics† written by Marina Zagidullina and published in journal â€Å"UFO† in 2004, â€Å"absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"face to face. † The fame of the text is not only measured data forms libraries and sales†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The above given arguments witness in favor of my opinion that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations. In conclusion I want to emphasise that classic is like a queen, and a remake is her true servant – even involuntarily, but he exposes his back, so she stepped through him in the future. Remake is a dialogue with classical artworks; it makes today’s mass audience to feel involved in the great history of our past.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Operator In A Call Centre In India

Suppose you are working as an operator in a call centre in India and receiving calls from Americans and Londoners. How would you handle such calls? Ans: As an operator first thing which I would try and ask politely would be that what is the route cause of the problem of the customer and would try and give time for explaining or removing out the frustration after which the customer would then have patience in listening to what we would try and explain.As an operator I would rectify the problem by all the better means and try to explain the customer in a better way that he would get convinced completely with the solution which could rectify the same. I would also make sure that the customer has any doubts or clarifications regarding the same and reconfirm the same from the customer about the solution explained to him was clear. As an operator I would co-operate with the customer to completely resolve the problem which ultimately satisfy the customer.I would also thank the customer for having the patience and giving us an opportunity to troubleshooting the issue and getting it rectified. I don?t want to speak to you. Connect me to your boss in the US,† hissed the American on the phone. The young girl at a Bangalore call centre tried to be as polite as she could. At another call centre, another day, another young girl had a Londoner unleashing himself on her, â€Å"Young lady, do you know that because of you Indians we are losing jobs? † The outsourcing backlash is getting ugly.Handling irate callers is the new brief for the young men and women taking calls at these outsourced job centres. Supervisors tell them to be „cool?. Avinash Vashistha, managing partner of NEOIT, a leading US-based consultancy firm says, â€Å"Companies involved in outsourcing both in the US and India are already getting a lot of hate mail against outsourcing and it is hardly surprising that some people should behave like this on the telephone. † Vashistha says Indi an call centre?s should train their operators how to handle such calls. Indeed, the furor raised by the Western media over job losses because of outsourcing

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Compare and contrast new buying used car vs new car Essay

Purchasing a car in today’s economy can be very difficult, whether you’re looking into a new or used car there are a lot of things to consider. Ensuring that you’re getting the best no matter the amount you’re spending, is difficult in its own way. Taking your time to collect information is very important. You never want to something that you know nothing about, because you will never know what you are truly purchasing .Asking yourself these questions will help you no matter what route you go in the car buying world. First question being what type of car do you want? It is Very important to purchasing a car that fits your life style. Next, how much are you willing to spend? Setting a budget will help you not spend over what you can afford. Finally, how long do you plan on keeping this car? If you are looking for a car for a couple months, you don’t want to exhaust all you funds into a temporary situation. Recently I’ve sold one of my cars and have been on the search for a new one. Buying a new car can be a very troubling thing to do. I’ve had to consider a lot of things when choosing the right car, and how to go about buying a new or used car from a dealership or buying a used car from a private owner. Being a young adult in this tough economy with a family to support, ensuring that I’m getting the best deal with a used cash car or a low interest rate and monthly payment on a new one. Making sure that a car payment fits into my house hold budget with now worries. Purchasing a used car from a private owner is one option I have been considering. Although the price can be very reasonable, you don’t have to worry about dealer fees, Monthly payments or being approved for financing. You will never truly know how well the car was taking care of, not to mention that the car will not come with any type of warrantee or return policy. Due to the extreme circumstances and series of unfortunate events: throughout, the world today with the weather and c rime. You can never be too cautious, with the credibility of a stranger. If something goes wrong with the car after the Purchase date. You are responsible for the cost of repair. However purchasing a new car or used car is slightly easier in terms of getting the exact vehicle you want, yet there are still some difficult steps in the process as well. One being the cost of the cars are more expensive depending on what year, make, and model you want. Prices can range from  20,000 to 100,00 dollars , not including dealer fees. Therefore, Finding a finance company if you don’t have all the money to buy the car out right can be nerve racking .You may be able to budget your finances to the exact dollar every month , but do you have enough income each month to the lenders standers. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about the conditions of the cars, because every dealerships new cars have been inspected before shipped to the actual lot. The used cars have been put to a series of diagnostic test to ensure they have no major problems and are marked certified pre owned, also ensuring you that they have been well maintained. All the cars come with some type of free warranty or extended warranty that you’re able to purchase at that time. In the event something dose go wrong you are not responsible for the cost of repair, not to mention if it was a new car you could return that vehicle within a certain amount of time. We all know that cars need regular maintenance. Another added benefit is that depending on the dealer you buy from some may even offer free, discounted or half price regular maintenance for a limited amount of time. In my experience searching for the perfect car to fit my lifestyle was very difficult. It seems that although the cars at the dealership are a little more costly, spending the extra money to ensure that you’re buying a quality vehicle could be worth it. On the other hand you can run into some of the same issues as if you are buying from a private owner. Doing Research and really taking my time in considering every options pros and cons definitely helped. We seem to live in a world where money is the root of all evil, so you have to have a lot of trust in whoever you decided to buy from. It can be very hard to find a creditable seller and not someone who is only looking to benefit from you no matter the cost, or lies they tell just to sell you a car.